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  1. C

    Highest Level for an Engineer?

    Evidently not rly
  2. C


    There's no need for them to since they're mostly asians with no communication skills anyway :D
  3. C

    Highest Level for an Engineer?

    How much could that go up to for a lecturer?
  4. C


    Way to have no credibility now :D
  5. C


    We won't be able to do that because all the funding will be going to pay for degrees to train them :(
  6. C


    Because everyone will need to see a doctor it should be free to become a doctor, basically.
  7. C


    Well only a useless artfag wanker would be so out of step with the majority to think they wanted to pay for your arts degree; since we're appealing to emotion why don't you walk into a bar in western sydney at 5.30 and ask the patrons if they want to pay a few thousand extra tax from their wages...
  8. C


    true, about 30k for my degree all up in today's money that's nothing :D
  9. C

    Rudd v Binge Drinking

    Re: Rudd sets aside $53-million to tackle binge drinking From one of the news articles: A survey found that in any given week, approximately 10 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds reported binge drinking or drinking at risky levels of seven or more drinks for males, and five or more for females, in...
  10. C

    Rudd v Binge Drinking

    Re: Rudd sets aside $53-million to tackle binge drinking I would suggest that teen binge drinking itself is not a problem because binge drinking (particularly under the current definition) is not a big deal, because binge drinkers can be roughly divided into (a) those who binge drink but are...
  11. C

    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    I would suggest that when we are dead we shan't know anything at all.
  12. C

    Voting at 16

    It'd probably help Labor the most since that's who poor people tend to vote for
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    Voting at 16

    no actually what will happen is uniformed 16 year olds will be used by their parents to vote for the party the parents want to take it to an extreme if you let 5+ year olds vote then obviously the party whose supporters had the most children on average would win since all children's votes...
  14. C

    Feminism and Political Correctness

    HYSterectomy - removal of the uterus :eek:
  15. C

    Australia 2020 Youth Summit

    How does that help working families?????
  16. C

    Australia 2020 Youth Summit

    but she's hot :read:
  17. C

    Feminism and Political Correctness

    it comes from a greek verb that means 'to study' doesn't it? can't remember where i read that but when i saw it i thought "so much for the her-story thing" lol
  18. C

    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    well aren't you smart fer a 15 yr old :read:
  19. C

    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    You're looking at it from a student's point of view, not a government's :D