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  1. C

    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Boycott of Olympics itt insecure nationalistic chinese EDIT: tibet has more claim to independence than kosovo
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    Does God exist?

    God Said It I Believe It That Settles It
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    Does God exist?

    This year's easter messages from the usual holy men were about the drought, reconciliation and interest rates Drowning in their own irrelevance :D
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    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Boycott of Olympics well if tibetan culture involves having a fractured poor nation they should be able to do that without imperialist occupation
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    Rudd v Binge Drinking

    Re: who IS responsible for teenage binge drinking? serious? i'm a binge drinker then lol (but fortunately not a teenager)
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    Job as a teacher

    no there are minimum requirements for all schools
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    Rudd v Binge Drinking

    Re: who IS responsible for teenage binge drinking? in Italy and France people have real culture, not drinking as much cheap shit lager as possible and passing out it's analogous to why they have so much good food but aren't obese like all the anglos here are
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    Maybe they are having their way seeing as science is criminally underfunded in this country :D
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    Job as a teacher

    Except they won't exist from next year :D
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    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Boycott of Olympics how lol-worthy is it though that diehard lefties who carry on endlessly about "occupation" and "oppression" and "imperialism" fully support China in Tibet just coz it's communist and tibet isn't :D
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    don't you know who he is?
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    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    I don't say that why do you find it so hard to grasp the idea of "this is what has tended to happen in the past"
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    only if you end up doing the shipwrecks elective ;)
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    Rules for Customers

    don't say you're going to talk to my manager after you've just threatened to bash me, lol
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    the student association at my uni had a protest on the same day, and they wallpapered the campus with posters weeks in advance fortunately for us right-thinking (pun intended) students here, they face the insurmountable problem that no one gives a shit.
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    well it's more that they're pretty much saying "we demand working families and working singles and old people and young people pay a shitload more taxes for our enjoyment". That's what shits me off the most about them.
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    Driving Age to change to 18

    lock kids up in school and keep them off the roads i hope whatever miserable whiny old bags thought this up end up eating cat food
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    VSU should be gone pretty soon :D
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    At the end of the day I have no control whatsoever over the university system in Australia neither do you. so I work and pay my fees upfront and I'm glad I have access to tertiary education Is this too difficult for people to understand? :D
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    11-year-old marries 10-year-old cousin

    wat? marrying off young girls to old men is common practice in shit cultures all over the globe, it works out well because he's established enough to care for her until she dies in childbirth everyone wins :D