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    of course they don't :D
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    well they want to ABOLISH both full fees AND hecs, so $600 wouldn't be so much in their ideal world :D
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    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Boycott of Olympics i have a pretty on-topic sig right now :cool:
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    11-year-old marries 10-year-old cousin

    iSlam my 10 year old cousin
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    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    Back on the topic we've turned this thread into: Actually it's possible poor parents push their kids to do well at school as much as richer parents (also poor and rich should be considered relative the particular community not so much the whole of Australia), it's just that if you're born...
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    Capitalism or Communism?

    , or "There's no charity when everyone's starving"
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    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    It makes me very happy :D
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    Voting at 16

    hey i have an amazing idea why not bring in voluntary voting for everyone over 18? :D
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    Hillsong Church, Gloria Jeans linked to abuse claims

    the branches of christianity need some serious pruning :D
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    I don't like [____________] type of fashion

    there aren't any fashions i don't like it's all the talking about it i can't stand :D
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    Should virginity be regarded as a virtue in modern society?

    if they're not intact there's always plastic surgery to put them back together :D
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    Voting at 16

    I'm yet to read a downside that would outweigh this:
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    Voting at 16

    You shouldn't be allowed to vote until you can analyse every current issue at a competent third-year uni student level, from both a Marxist and a Feminist perspective.
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    Voting at 16

    you have to set an arbitrary age at which you can assume people know enough about the world to vote and i think 18 is a better age than 16 for that, BUT if it helps reduce the power that ultra-conservative ultra-prudish old people have in Australia (really quite a lot, and thanks to modern...
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    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    I don't want to undermine their efforts at all I'm just stating what tends to happen
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    Australia 2020 Youth Summit

    The Australian Government is committed to young people being ‘at the table’ when the long-term challenges of our country are discussed. The ten critical areas of discussion are: * Future directions for the Australian economy – including education, skills, training, science and...
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    Australia 2020 Youth Summit

    If you could just change the thread title to Kate Ellis? :D
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    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    Usually. At least in the sense they don't know how to manage their money and their lives. You'll observe in another thread they're also usually fat. It's also worth re-posting that there is a high correlation between success at school and: • The child has highly educated parents • The child’s...
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    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. It's funny coz Asians are pretty much the biggest bandwagoners in the world