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  1. C

    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    I think it's trivial to argue that if everyone stays in school longer, staying in school longer ceases to lead to better job prospects :D
  2. C

    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    As an almost exception-free rule you can state The greater the number of people with a particular qualification, the less that qualification becomes a guarantee the holder knows anything about its content, therefore the less it is worth So obviously the HSC is worth less now than it was 40...
  3. C

    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    sure is HEY IF WE LOCK EVERYONE UP IN SCHOOL FOR 30 YEARS WE'LL ALL EARN MILLIONS Seriously though some kids just can't stand the whole wearing-uniform, sitting-in-line, no-smoking you have to put up with at school, especially by the time they're 16-18 and get treated like adults (more or...
  4. C

    Garrett considers banning plastic bags

    more likely they'll just steal more trolleys
  5. C

    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    I'm going to go ahead and say this is pretty much fascism and also rly unfair for the x% of people in year 11 and 12 who want to learn but get stuck with the would-be dropouts PROTIP: you don't need the hsc to be a blue collar worker
  6. C

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. we've won it as many times as you have
  7. C

    Garrett considers banning plastic bags

    Major retailers have calculated a minimum 25c charge would add an annual $650 million to the national shopping bill - or at least $156 for each shopper. $156 would be enough to send some of the shoppers around here homeless :eek:
  8. C

    Does God exist?

    sorry but the deepest question known to man is actually "what shall we do with a drunken sailor?"
  9. C

    Islam: Religion of peace, love, compassion, tolerance, open-mindedness – proof inside

    Re: Islam: Religion of peace, love, compassion, tolerance, open-mindedness – proof in these threads
  10. C

    Islam: Religion of peace, love, compassion, tolerance, open-mindedness – proof inside

    Re: Islam: Religion of peace, love, compassion, tolerance, open-mindedness – proof in ffs can we just have an islam forum already?
  11. C

    About human existance

    it's purely physical deal with it
  12. C

    Should virginity be regarded as a virtue in modern society?

    Re: About hymen existence if i'm not her first she'll know how small i rly am :( also, thanks to the one child (baby daughter drowning) policy there will soon be millions of single chinese men roaming the globe in search of a partner coz there's none in china ^^
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    Should virginity be regarded as a virtue in modern society?

    Re: About hymen existence nah, i just have an extremely small penis
  14. C

    Don't ban the beaver!

    i'm offended :vcross:
  15. C

    Don't ban the beaver!

    ..did someone say vagina?
  16. C

    Hillary Clinton OR Barack Obama?

    Almost certainly true - Obama has already won Mississippi (a racist sothern state isn't it?) over Hillary we can even put our racism aside when it comes to keeping women in the kitchen
  17. C

    Should virginity be regarded as a virtue in modern society?

    Should virginity be regarded as a virtue in modern society? discuss!
  18. C

    WHERE did you lose your virginity?

    then he wasn't doing it right :D
  19. C

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. on the last page i already listed some things which are important to young a-league clubs and melbourne wins on every point :D
  20. C

    About human existance

    too long, didn't read life is meaningless we're here because matter/energy behaves according to physical laws and experiences 4 fundamental forces that put us together your thoughts are sodium and potassium ions moving around in response to electrical impulses and concentration gradients...