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  1. C

    Enzyme Questions

    (3) Same size and shape as the substrate that binds to the active site of the particular enzyme, so that it occupies those active sites instead of the substrate :D
  2. C

    Does God exist?

    bananas have been artificially selected the wild banana does not fit into your hand and PINEAPPLES - THE XTIAN'S NIGHTMARE!
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    Education Not Indoctrination

    yeah i do ... According to Freakonomics, these 8 factors are highly correlated with success at school: • The child has highly educated parents • The child’s parents have high SES • The child’s mother was 30+ at the time of the first child’s birth • The child had a low birth weight...
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    Does God exist?

    THE SUN!
  5. C

    Education Not Indoctrination

    I'll never forget this first year education lecture in our obligatory social justice subject, here's a few of the slides: Social Class and SES Social Class: Karl Marx: “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles”. Patricians and slaves, Feudal lords & serfs...
  6. C

    Why the Japanese whaling "scientists" are batshit

    agreed, the whales are a good approximation to enemy mini-subs and we don't get to torpedo much these days :D
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    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. Strayans care about AFL, rugby league, cricket and motor sports, in that order. Not the dreaded sockah
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    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. australia has no knowledge other than what comes from media hype
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    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. John Smith on the street doesn't know about SFC unless Beckham is playing :D
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    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    Usually when that's the case the parents are too stupid to 'push' their kids to do anything at all in the first place, starting with school... or not taking drugs... or not having several kids by 19, etc. Well if you could be bothered (which I can't) I think it'd be fairly easy to construct an...
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    Education Not Indoctrination

    Which brings me to my question of the day, a challenge to right-wingers and atheists: could it be the case that virtually all the volunteering, campaigning and community mindedness that goes on in our society comes from people who are either left-wing or religious? nah, not really
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    Why the Japanese whaling "scientists" are batshit

    oh, well as long as the death is quick and painless :D
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    Why the Japanese whaling "scientists" are batshit

    i would suggest that this notion of a whale farm is somewhat impractical
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    Why the Japanese whaling "scientists" are batshit

    i can honestly say intensive pig farming is not humane note that pigs are more intelligent than whales or dogs ^_^
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    Does God exist?

    i think the term is 'ad hoc' :D
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    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    I don't think they were for fitness, but sure they lost some weight :D
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    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    i noticed the bit that said Conclusion: In view of increasing rates of overweight and obesity in children, it is important to reassess current Australasian standards for child restraints in vehicles. A concerted parental education campaign is also needed to raise awareness of which...
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    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    the fat in peoples' bodies ultimately comes from oil we buy lots of it poor countries don't that pretty much accounts for everything
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    Hillsong Church, Gloria Jeans linked to abuse claims

    this shit calls for a government inquiry or even a royal commission