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  1. scuba_steve2121

    Political Ideology Important?

    70's supply shocks were caused by a few things, you can blame oil on the US being idiots about their foreign policy in relation to Iran and also starting a 700 billion dollar war in Vietnam. Otherwise any 'supply shocks' were probably caused by the price controls implemented by Nixon lol, even...
  2. scuba_steve2121

    Political Ideology Important?

    also no joke post all the causes for inflation that your econ textbook has I need a good laugh, last time i checked it was like 7 or something?
  3. scuba_steve2121

    Political Ideology Important?

    So hows the stagflation over there? Keynesian economics was disproved to be a barrel of bat shit back in the 70's stop paying attention to it... well stop paying attention to it once you have done the HSC. Try and write an HSC econ essay from an Austrian or Chicago perspective and get 0 marks XD...
  4. scuba_steve2121

    women on the frontline

    what about those chicks in the IDF?
  5. scuba_steve2121

    $60b wiped off market

    when ever i think of the EU as a growing centralised super power my mind goes straight to this scene
  6. scuba_steve2121

    $60b wiped off market

    yea true but the way they're going I don't see them stopping anytime time soon so I'd expect some stagflation in the near future
  7. scuba_steve2121

    $60b wiped off market

    Hyper-stagflation Say it loud say it proud we're all Keynesians now?
  8. scuba_steve2121

    $60b wiped off market

    Cut spending, cut taxes, raise interest rates and bring the troops home. That medicine will taste bad for the US but they need to go into rehab instead of shooting up heroin that keeps going up in price. EDIT: also when I mean bring the troops home I'm not just talking about the three wars in...
  9. scuba_steve2121

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do you believe is God? that he did, what a fucking shit shot it was must rep when i get the chance
  10. scuba_steve2121

    $60b wiped off market

    yea aus dollar will hit 70 cents and below compared to the US dollar. Was telling everybody a few weeks ago to buy up US dollars to make a few quick bucks because we all knew this was gonna happen sooner or later.
  11. scuba_steve2121

    How Smart is Black Obongo?

    "Also, Obama was a legacy due to his father picking up a Masters in economics before Harvard kicked him out for practicing polygamy." BAHAHAHA WTF?
  12. scuba_steve2121

    who gives a fuck about 9/11

    yea for sure, no way was that a controllled demolition
  13. scuba_steve2121

    who gives a fuck about 9/11

    I thought the WTC's were built like one big steel tube with a concrete core for lifts and stuff.... so that essentially all their strength was within the outer walls not its core.... not suggesting anything just saying, I could be wrong
  14. scuba_steve2121

    who gives a fuck about 9/11

    Shane = Fucking top bloke /thread
  15. scuba_steve2121

    Carbon Tax

    Re: Labor fights back on carbon pricing Ok..... so either you don't understand that the concept of a "free lunch" in this context doesn't literally mean that OR you're losing the argument so you're replying with an irrelevant statement….
  16. scuba_steve2121

    Carbon Tax

    Re: Labor fights back on carbon pricing I'm not a blind Friedmanite but the guy had a knack for explaining ideas and arguing clearly. TLDW there is no such thing as taxing business or polluters you will always just be taxing people, as lol smith said, no such thing as a free lunch
  17. scuba_steve2121

    Teachers on Strike

    Re: Illegal strikes by public servants I love on the news they were talking about teachers starting on $57,000 a year salary and them claiming it's not enough. If you can't live on $57,000 a year there is something mentally wrong with you
  18. scuba_steve2121

    hey kool

    Classic nature nurture debate. OFC any rational person will tell you its both. If somebody tells you otherwise they are either A: A crazy eugenicist or B: Some dirty, everybody is equal, affirmative action loving hippie.
  19. scuba_steve2121

    $60b wiped off market

    Cough* Stagflation Cough* yea were screwed better start buying up some gold bars for when this whole thing blows over
  20. scuba_steve2121

    $60b wiped off market

    which again makes it even more abundantly obvious that prehaps stimulus packages are not the answer.