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  1. Fizzy_Cyst

    Quick Question?

    Looks good to me. Same question (numbers different) was in the CSSA 2006 paper
  2. Fizzy_Cyst

    Quick Projectile Question?

    It doesnt say if angle is 15 degrees to horiz or vertical. Previous working assumed horiz, perhaps it is to vertical, such that Vx = 147Tan15
  3. Fizzy_Cyst

    High performing teachers to earn six figure salaries

    This is true. I think the idea is that the teachers that ceebs, well, they ceebs doing what is required for HAT. So far, of all the HAT I know, they are definitely best practice teachers. Change is student results (or value-added) is a good measure of how a teacher has performed, but there are...
  4. Fizzy_Cyst

    High performing teachers to earn six figure salaries

    This. For some reason, a lot of Aussie kids (and parents) have a sense of entitlement to everything without actually working hard for it. You can always tell the children of parents who dont give a shit. Bwahahahaha. I pwn teh fizzicks! I have worked with a ton of 90+ ATAR/UAI teech0rs and...
  5. Fizzy_Cyst

    High performing teachers to earn six figure salaries

    One of my students from one of the best schools in the state, said his teacher (who was Head Teacher of Science), would come into the room, eat a sandwich, tell the students do this worksheet, that worksheet and either leave the room for the period or sit up the front with his feet on his desk...
  6. Fizzy_Cyst

    High performing teachers to earn six figure salaries

    So, are you saying if you can't fix it all in one go, then we shouldn't bother? Social perception of the occupation needs to change. I have worked with so many good teachers who work so hard, yet rarely get any 'thank you' from anyone, students, parents, other members of the staff. But, it...
  7. Fizzy_Cyst

    High performing teachers to earn six figure salaries

    Last I heard of the HAT was external assessors come in and assess your lessons etc to determine if you are HAT. It is not a simple viewing, but it is almost like a portfolio. The teacher has to pay for the assessors to come out and if they don't 'pass' then they still foot the bill. AFAIK in...
  8. Fizzy_Cyst

    Physics Tutoring For HSC 2014 -- Starting Term 3 Holidays, 2013 [FILLING FAST!]

    :) Another student has joined the Saturday class. One space remaining in the Tuesday class. We are starting Motors and Generators this week!
  9. Fizzy_Cyst

    Average salary for a High School teacher ?

    Yep! I would be considered an 'experienced' teacher in an independent school operating on a 3-band system, meaning I would be on $100,527
  10. Fizzy_Cyst

    Michelson-Morley Experiment

    Lots of misconceptions in this thread! MM was valid based on the Newtonian/Galilean/Classical Physics back then. It would no longer be valid as Einsteins Theory of Special Relativity says that the expected result cannot happen due to the constancy of the speed of light. Reliable as repeated...
  11. Fizzy_Cyst

    Average salary for a High School teacher ?

    Starting salary is currently $59,706 Maximum atm is $89,050 for classroom teacher (salary is determined by experience, not performance atm), Head Teacher / Highly Accomplished Teachers $100k-110k.
  12. Fizzy_Cyst

    Pro's and Cons of Macquiare

    Con: Due to its 2nd-tier status, people often misspell its name
  13. Fizzy_Cyst

    Any idea how to solve analytically?

    \frac{A}{BC} + \frac{D}{EF} + \frac{G}{HI} = 1 The denominators are 2 digit numbers, not the product of 2 single digit numbers. Can only use the numbers 1-9 once. Any idea how to solve mathematically? I know how to solve using a permutation solver, but want to know if there is any real...
  14. Fizzy_Cyst

    What is incorrect in this working?!?!

    Thanks Carrot! All fixed now :-)
  15. Fizzy_Cyst

    What is incorrect in this working?!?!

    Halp! The answer is not what comes up as according to :(
  16. Fizzy_Cyst

    Counterstrike Global Offensive Thread

    I havent played since last year, lmfao. Full bought my new laptop with the aim of getting back into gaming.. Nek Minnit.. Are there any decent aussie servers?
  17. Fizzy_Cyst

    Counterstrike Global Offensive Thread

    CS 1.6 ftw!
  18. Fizzy_Cyst

    General Thoughts: Physics

    Talking to a person marking that particular question.. Seems they are taking Solar Cell.. Reasoning: "Over 50% of students would have gotten it incorrect." Shit reason, but whatever.. Don't know if it is getting FULL marks though.
  19. Fizzy_Cyst

    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon Good stuff! $Find the square roots of$ \ 1 + 2 \sqrt{2}i
  20. Fizzy_Cyst

    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon Its my noob latex skillllllz