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  1. imZerroo

    No, I did some past papers before. I have perfectly sort out notes for the first topic. It's...

    No, I did some past papers before. I have perfectly sort out notes for the first topic. It's just that, of late, I have stopped caring. I went really good in my half yearly, but I cbf preparing for trials. But the stress got to me today :L, so im studying now hehe.
  2. imZerroo

    still gotta do past papers. sigh...

    still gotta do past papers. sigh...
  3. imZerroo

    haha DC motors are the easiest. easier than AC/DC generators, or AC motors. we had to build a...

    haha DC motors are the easiest. easier than AC/DC generators, or AC motors. we had to build a magnetic levitation model though, its cooler, but annoying at the same time.
  4. imZerroo

    ahaha wow. tell me 2morro if you need help with physics :) unless its due 2morro. anyways if...

    ahaha wow. tell me 2morro if you need help with physics :) unless its due 2morro. anyways if you need any "small" help now, im happy to help. probs wont need it though. sigh.
  5. imZerroo

    ohh wow, you probs killed em. pretty early though, 6 weeks? do you go to arthur phillip by any...

    ohh wow, you probs killed em. pretty early though, 6 weeks? do you go to arthur phillip by any chance?
  6. imZerroo

    wow you would actually stay up late? you would do that? thats really generous.

    wow you would actually stay up late? you would do that? thats really generous.
  7. imZerroo

    wow thanks a lot. when are your trials though?

    wow thanks a lot. when are your trials though?
  8. imZerroo

    yup wrong chamath. ty for the dot point :) are you gonna stay on for a while though? i will...

    yup wrong chamath. ty for the dot point :) are you gonna stay on for a while though? i will need help later.
  9. imZerroo

    Ask me for chemistry help!

    yup started studying at 6.30 :) coz imma big guy.
  10. imZerroo

    Plumpton High? We might be talking about different Chamaths here. anyways, do you think you...

    Plumpton High? We might be talking about different Chamaths here. anyways, do you think you could help me with this dot point? gather and process information from secondary sources to describe the conditions under which Haber developed the industrial synthesis of ammonia and evaluate its...
  11. imZerroo

    Ask me for chemistry help!

    ok i got it thnks a lot people. please stay here a while? i still have chemical monitoring to do :L
  12. imZerroo

    lmao how do you know his name but dont know what school he goes to? whenever i meet someone my...

    lmao how do you know his name but dont know what school he goes to? whenever i meet someone my age, i first know what school they go to :L school names on my profile anyway.
  13. imZerroo

    Ask me for chemistry help!

    oh wait NaOH + H+ --> Na+ +H2O so Na+ is a conjugate base of NaOH got it :) nvm my previous q. :)
  14. imZerroo

    Ask me for chemistry help!

    k CH3COO- is a conjugate base of a weak acid but how do you know Na+ is a conjugate acid of a strong base? also as per that i assume that conjugate bases of strong acids are strong bases? wow i really need to study hard tonight :o
  15. imZerroo

    same school.

    same school.
  16. imZerroo

    Ask me for chemistry help!

    i can remember the equations, but how does it prove its amphoteric? looking by that do you look at Al's oxidation state?
  17. imZerroo

    Ask me for chemistry help!

    sorry guys another question, how do you know which salt is acidic, basic or neutral? i know it has something to do with cation/anion being the conjugate base/acid of another base/acid. but idk how you know it. thnks again and again.
  18. imZerroo

    are you? how do you know them?

    are you? how do you know them?
  19. imZerroo

    Ask me for chemistry help!

    k a lot clearer now. i understood all this when we learnt it, now i have gone completely blank. god bless stress.
  20. imZerroo

    Ask me for chemistry help!

    wow you just confused me even more :L so im right yes? :s also Al2O3 is an example of an amphoteric substance? how do i prove it through an equation?