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  1. imZerroo

    HSC 2010 School Rankings

    James Ruse should not be allowed to compete in the HSC, they are clearly breaking the cap.
  2. imZerroo

    Hertz's Experiment

    Hey thanks for the answer Fizzy, really appreciate it but just a couple of questions more... 1. Why was there a spark on the detecting coil? I get that the EMR emmitted from the spark of induction coil hit the detecting coil, then due to P.E electrons started moving in detecting coil causing a...
  3. imZerroo

    What should I drop?

    Thankksss a lot for your input guys, I don't wanna drop bio because I have put in a lot of effort over the last months. But since everyone here recommends me to drop it and I myself think I should drop it due to my raw marks^ so I think I will be dropping it. Although I will wait for my rank...
  4. imZerroo

    What should I drop?

    So should I drop from the results I have gotten so far?
  5. imZerroo

    What should I drop?

    Hey guys :) I'm currently doing 12 units: Mathematics Ex. 1 (Rank 2, will go lower though), Physics (Rank 6 probably out of 17), Chemistry (Rank 4), Biology (Rank 18-20) and ESL (pwning) and SOR (meh) I'm not going as good as I want in Bio as you can tell from my rank. I can't drop it...