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  1. imZerroo

    Is there a nicer way to say you're a faggot?

    Is there a nicer way to say you're a faggot?
  2. imZerroo

    I don't understand all this ranking business

    Woah? So, if I come second or whatever and go crap in the HSC, I will still get the second highest mark in the HSC??
  3. imZerroo

    I don't understand all this ranking business

    Wow, that's unfair :( What if you come 2nd, 3rd or anywhere close to 1st? Do you get any privileges?
  4. imZerroo

    I don't understand all this ranking business

    Sorry, I heard that the person who comes 1st in the school gets the top mark in HSC from that school, regardless of who got that mark. Is that true? and could you elaborate a little on what you mean by bragging rights etc. in your previous post? Thankyou :]
  5. imZerroo

    Question about STAT

    Is STAT just for Pharmacy? For medicine, if you don't do too good in UMAT, would they look at your STAT at all?
  6. imZerroo

    Distinctive Australian Voices

    I was wondering if anyone doing this module could help me find any related text. Our teacher has only showed us one poem and that's it. I don't even understand the topic properly, so is there a place where I can find a list of supplementary materials for this module?? Any help will be much...
  7. imZerroo

    You're such a faggot.

    You're such a faggot.
  8. imZerroo

    I'm really happy you told me about the Medstudentonline website. Answers many of my questions...

    I'm really happy you told me about the Medstudentonline website. Answers many of my questions. Just gonna focus on school and UMAT so that I can get into first round interviews. Thanks again and just like you, happy to help. (:
  9. imZerroo

    I found this on this website. I'm just going through each and every...

    I found this on this website. I'm just going through each and every file and folder of it and it's helping me heaps. But the MSO's link is extremely helpful as well... Thanks for the thousandth time. :L
  10. imZerroo

    But the MSO's link is extremely helpful as well... Thanks for the thousandth time. :L

    But the MSO's link is extremely helpful as well... Thanks for the thousandth time. :L
  11. imZerroo

    The interview actually is the least of my worries, but geeze it sounds so hard. Thank you for...

    The interview actually is the least of my worries, but geeze it sounds so hard. Thank you for soo much information though. BTW Did you know all this by joining any UMAT/interview classes? If so, which one?? Sorry for so many questions, but I'm really freaking out. :(
  12. imZerroo

    I made up my mind quite late about doing Medicine because of my poor results in Year 11 so I...

    I made up my mind quite late about doing Medicine because of my poor results in Year 11 so I have to rely on other people to tell me what to do etc. Hate it when they provide me with wrong info. The part about their facilities, I might have to research more, will need it if I make it to the...
  13. imZerroo

    Heyy....thanks a lot for your help. The table on that website is amaaazingggg!! People keep...

    Heyy....thanks a lot for your help. The table on that website is amaaazingggg!! People keep telling me UWS is a crap UNI etc. but nice to know that a Medicine degree is a medicine degree at the end :) Thanks again, really appreciate it.
  14. imZerroo


    As far as I know, these are some of the UNI's offering Medicine UWS USYD UNSW University of Newcastle Is there a list of Uni's in the WHOLE of Australia which offer Medicine and their requirements?? Also, how important is it to do medicine in a good uni.. IF i get into medicine at...
  15. imZerroo

    Estimate my atar.

    Thanks for the generosity mate, but my school rank isn't really that good. (209th). Physics I might be 1 or 2 ranks off as well. I was thinking 93+, but you reckon if I keep it up I would get 96+?? Thanks again mate. BTW ESL FTW!! really loving this subject.
  16. imZerroo

    Estimate my atar.

    Could someone estimate mine as well? Math Ext.1- Rank 2/11 Math 2U- Rank 5/50-60 something ESL- Rank 1/5 Chem- Rank 4/30 Physics- Rank 4/17 Biology- Rank 11/62 Achievable??? Bio, 2U math and probably physics ranks will improve for sureee School rank is 209
  17. imZerroo

    Do I have a hope of 98 with these ranks?

    I really don't think it's possible :s I must have bad calculations, can people tell me if I could get 98+ on these ranks? Math Ext.1- Rank 2/11 Math 2U- Rank 5/50-60 something ESL- Rank 1/5 Chem- Rank 4/30 Physics- Rank 4/17 Biology- Rank 11/62 Achievable??? Bio, 2U math and probably physics...
  18. imZerroo

    Post your half yearlies grades

    Here are mine... Math Ext. 1: 46/60 (Rank 2/11) Math 2U: 89/96 (Rank 2/60?) Physics: 61/75 (Rank 3/17)- highest was 63/64 i think Chemistry: 53/75 (Rank 3/30?)- highest was 58, VERY HARD TEST Biology: 62/75 (Rank, might be in the top 10, not sure)- very disappointed, expected 90%+ atleast ESL...
  19. imZerroo

    What should I drop?

    I am not anymore... I did terrible in SOR1, so now I will work SMARTER in bio instead of harder. I have to do good in Bio, people in my school are acing it and knowing 82% is only Rank 12, I'm shi'tting it.
  20. imZerroo

    How to study for Biology?

    What are some key points that HAVE to be done to ace Biology? Somethings that I have done are: 1. Answer dot points 2. Questions from the worksheets our teacher gives us. 3. Textbook Questions 4. Past papers (very less) 5. Remember Pracs Should I be doing more than 3 or 4 past papers...