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  1. Scissors

    ATTN: People not cool enough to be invited to Nolan's. ITT: we election watch.

    no More Talk About Elections. More Talk About Potatoes.
  2. Scissors

    ATTN: People not cool enough to be invited to Nolan's. ITT: we election watch.

    all this talk about american elections is starting to do my head in. let's talk about potatoes.
  3. Scissors

    ATTN: People not cool enough to be invited to Nolan's. ITT: we election watch.

    doesn't florida hold like 21? why's everybody banging on about ohio?
  4. Scissors

    ATTN: People not cool enough to be invited to Nolan's. ITT: we election watch.

    i've also been watching channel 9. didn't know the abc was also running coverage. i'm still watching channel 9 though, cause my antenna is shit and the abc doesn't come that well.
  5. Scissors

    ATTN: People not cool enough to be invited to Nolan's. ITT: we election watch.

    174 - 76! minessota, wisconsin, ney york, rhode island, ALL TO OBAMA!
  6. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    are you gonna be recording tonight?
  7. Scissors


    Hey Cem - If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?
  8. Scissors

    How did you go?

    good man.
  9. Scissors

    2012! What will happen?

    yo, i sent 4unitz a question about her username. :D
  10. Scissors

    13 year old girl stoned to death in Somalia

    Well, to be honest, I can't feel sadness for somebody that I don't personally know. Call me heartless, but I really couldn't give a fuck because there are much worse things happening in the world. That said, things like this do disgust me. These Muslim countries are behind the times. They rely...
  11. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    come on james, listen to it. it's funny. what time's your exam?
  12. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    he was on that?
  13. Scissors

    13 year old girl stoned to death in Somalia

    Read the Quran, and get yourself a good, unbiased commentary on the Quran, and that's basically it. That's the only way you can comprehend it. However, there are some areas where scholars have needed to create laws to fit contemporary society.
  14. Scissors

    13 year old girl stoned to death in Somalia

    Sharia law is based on the Quran. The Quran is the law, the Quran is the court, the Quran is the judge and the jury. I don't think there's really a structure in place per se. It basically runs off the Quran.
  15. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    ok, i'll be calling tonight. i'm gonna spend today thinking about what to say to the fucker. i'm going to ask him whether pauline hansen had red pubes