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  1. Scissors

    Take your revenge...

    you're a pom? ahahahaha, do you have that sexy english accent?
  2. Scissors

    Take your revenge...

    nah, i love asians. seriously, they're cool. i just like to pay out people.
  3. Scissors

    Take your revenge...

    AHAHAHAHAHA. that might've been his real name though. the yellow menace usually swap their traditional asian names for similar sounding english names.
  4. Scissors

    Take your revenge...

    there was a guy in my class who was called hung dong. the irony is just beautiful. (he was of the yellow menace)
  5. Scissors

    Take your revenge...

    ahaha, i thought so.
  6. Scissors

    Take your revenge...

    i'd probably deport skzynecki pack to poland so that they'd shoot him in the head, thereby doing my dirty work. hey, is your name really Jennie Talia?
  7. Scissors


    he makes me laugh.
  8. Scissors


    lama, you're so fucking dumb! it's frustrating!
  9. Scissors


    where the fuck did you get the idea that i'm a women hating bogan? i fucking love women. i was born from a women, and i was raised by a women. also, i insult people based on the way they act, not the way they look.
  10. Scissors


    dude, don't get so technical. her brain will overload.
  11. Scissors


    uhhhh, i don't know. maybe cause you're well dumb? :/
  12. Scissors


    this 'girl' proves that the IQ test isn't very accurate in measuring a person's intelligence.
  13. Scissors


    all in the name of experimentation.
  14. Scissors


    check out her other subjects as well. typical career for a person with that combination of subjects: hairdresser. do you like to cut hair ziggy? get used to it.
  15. Scissors


    HEY! datz personal! mi uncl never touched mee. u don't even got any proofss! z-snap!
  16. Scissors


  17. Scissors


  18. Scissors


    ziggy, you sound like the most boring chick. it also seems like you're a clicker.
  19. Scissors


    i'd hate to hang around with ziggy zoogah. she sounds like the most pretentious, stuck up bitch. :)
  20. Scissors

    Formal Thread (pics, websites, ideas, thoughts)

    i still haven't even shopped for my formal clothes. what do you guys think would look better? a full suit or just a vest? i'll post pics. brb. EDIT: okay, this: or this: