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  1. Scissors

    State Ranking

    yo namu, check your inbox.
  2. Scissors

    Something to take all the stress away...

    i know something that's more effective in releasing stress. it's also found on the net. some people like to claim that 90% of the web is made up for this thing. ;)
  3. Scissors

    Any weather freaks?

    AHAHAHAHAHA, I was laughing so hard while reading that. He is disabled MAJORLY.
  4. Scissors

    How often do you wank/masturbate/jizz/toss (boys and girls)

    yo justin, what natio are you?
  5. Scissors

    Exam Superstitions??

    I always listen to REALLY violent songs. Dunno why, it just pumps me up. Oh, and I also wear my dogtags.
  6. Scissors

    The Bali Bombers' Execution

    i also think executions should be televised. just for the lulz.
  7. Scissors

    It's OVER!!

    AHAHAHAHAHAHA, I like your username. :rofl:
  8. Scissors

    It's OVER!!

    stupid aboriginal.
  9. Scissors

    Can you wear WHATEVER you want to uni?

    what about the business/commerce/finance people at Mac? how do they dress?
  10. Scissors

    Any weather freaks?

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You know it. Im shit bored, shit lonely, shit depressed, shit unsocialize and shitting to kill my heart. Fuck why my disabilities to shit my life? Why people shit me about my disabilities? Why its shit when they discriminate me? SHIT!:angry:
  11. Scissors

    Any weather freaks?

    DID HE REPLY?!?! Oh God, I want him back so bad.
  12. Scissors

    Cant walk, cant drive

    ahahahaha, i wouldn't ask my neighbour for a lift. he's a fucking madman.
  13. Scissors

    Any weather freaks?

    i've got no idea. i'll add him on msn and beg him to come back.
  14. Scissors

    Any weather freaks?

    fucking lol @ this thread. god i miss matt. he was an integral part of this website. it's a shame he left. :(
  15. Scissors

    Estimate what mark I'll get for maths!

    does anybody else wanna take a stab?
  16. Scissors

    ok..what should i do if i actually fail hsc?!

    just become a hairdresser. that's what all the girls who fail their hsc do.
  17. Scissors

    The Bali Bombers' Execution

    Re: the countdown to the bali bombers' execution - I'm excited! this shit's taken so long! it's always either "no, we can't execute them cause it's ramadan", or "no, we can't kill them cause there's an appeal going through" kill those mother fuckers for god's sake.
  18. Scissors

    What books that stimulate your imagination?

    harry potter. lulzzz. i <33 dat book.
  19. Scissors

    08 vs 06

    it doesn't really matter if an exam paper is super hard or super easy. it's self-correcting because everybody in the state finds it hard or easy.
  20. Scissors

    Muslim Cleric to marry 7 years old girl

    when me has a bad dream u will comforts me in ur bead?