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  1. Scissors

    I consume an entire cereal box in 2 sittings...

    i'm known for eating copious amounts of cereal, and i usually eat around 11 weetbix in one sitting. how much was in the box that you finished?
  2. Scissors

    Should teachers be allowed to administer corporal punishment?

    So you support teachers giving the caine?
  3. Scissors

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    damn! i got 14.
  4. Scissors

    General Thoughts - Economics

    i fucking loved this exam. i'm expecting about 80% raw. that's good considering i only started studying this morning. :D
  5. Scissors

    Should teachers be allowed to administer corporal punishment?

    They were talking about this on dr.phil, and dr.phil, being the usual cunt that he is, automatically took the moral high ground even though it looked as if he was on the 'pro corporal punishment' lady's side. God I can't stand "dr" phil. Anyway, what do you think? Should teachers be allowed...
  6. Scissors

    Good Luck

    i'm so glad i dropped this subject. :uhhuh:
  7. Scissors

    2008 HSC Timetable

    Re: Two exams in the same day? whoever has modern and eco today, my condolences.
  8. Scissors

    Terry Lee's Answers to 2008 HSC Exam

    when will terry post up the 2u answers?
  9. Scissors

    A bit of info on your school.

    my school's ranked 650. i go to lurnea high. dux usually gets 49-50.
  10. Scissors

    Cyber Sex??

    the especially funny think about that picture is its element of truth.
  11. Scissors

    WTF is wrong with me?!?! I'm so nervous for economics!

    i dunno why i'm so nervous. i've put in the work and all so i should be right. and also, i haven't been nervous for any other exam. maybe its the fact that this is my last exam?
  12. Scissors

    Xena, probably...

    Xena was the shit back in the days! And yeah, Gabriel was nothing compared to Xena.
  13. Scissors

    Egypt sheikh backs women's right to beat husbands

    ahahahahaha. this is cute. this can easily be overcome though. the man should just hit the bitch harder. that way, she won't have enough strength to fight back. i know, genius.
  14. Scissors

    How many booklets did you use

    11. I used up an extra one for question 8.
  15. Scissors

    Estimate what mark I'll get for maths!

    Okay, so internally, i worked out my mark to be 50%. I did this by multiplying each assessment mark with its respective weighting, and adding them all up. Now, for the external exam I'm pretty sure I'll get about 60%. Also, my school is ranked 50th and is a very strong school in maths...
  16. Scissors

    No More Mathsssssssssss

    Woooooooooooooo!!!! No More Maath!
  17. Scissors

    Did u leave early??

    i was real close to leaving early, but i stuck it out. i'm glad i did because i found 2 mistakes i'd made.
  18. Scissors

    I FAILED my Maths HSC exam BIG TIME.

    I actually thought this exam went pretty well, for me that is. I think I got like 78/120.
  19. Scissors

    I FAILED my Maths HSC exam BIG TIME.

    Notice how I've created this thread before I've even done the exam. That's how sure I am that I'm going to fail. However, I'll have an update this afternoon, where I'll let you guys know for certain.