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  1. Scissors

    Good luck tomorrow guys! (including some last tips)

    Hey Namu, I'm 90% sure that I'm going to fail this exam. Any tips to boost my confidence?
  2. Scissors

    Good luck tomorrow guys! (including some last tips)

    Thanks Namu. I suggest weed for a calming effect.
  3. Scissors

    your opinions on experimenting with drugs.. while on schoolies?

    i'm gonna be high 90% of the time following my last exam. :) <--- that's how i'm gonna be.
  4. Scissors

    Great starts for a muslim marriage

    Yes, and what's your point? Females are inferior to men. It's only right we treat them so.
  5. Scissors

    Great starts for a muslim marriage

    WTF is wrong with you? That's the BEST way to start off a marriage. You lay down the lay on day 1.
  6. Scissors

    "Hell Week"

    Sucked in mother fuckers! I've only got 2 more exams and I finish on TUESDAY!
  7. Scissors

    2unit/3unit/4unit maths exam will be hard this year ??

    i'm royally fucked for tomorrow's exam. :(
  8. Scissors

    Werid ass dreams haha

    i dreamt last night that i was walking through my suburb tackling people for no reason. apparently, the only time you'll be able to remember your dreams is if you wake while going through an episode of REM sleep.
  9. Scissors

    Modern History is nearing.

    Of course she's right. she's a teacher who's been marking hsc for some time.
  10. Scissors

    Cum - to spit or to swallow?

    \ dude! where do i find that video?
  11. Scissors

    Sexual Fantasy

    mine is golden shower. piss everywhere.
  12. Scissors

    WHat do you plan to do between the period November 13th till March.

    drink, weed, party, clubbing, sleeping, working.
  13. Scissors

    is smoking weed bad?

    i'm gonna smoke so much weed after my hsc exams.
  14. Scissors

    Trent From Punchy

    who is this character and where can i find him?
  15. Scissors

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    yeah, i also heard about this. i mean, after seeing bush's massive fuck up in his first term of presidency, surely the american people, no matter how intellectually challenged they are, would not vote him in again.
  16. Scissors

    anyone else eating huge amounts of chocolate/lollies to get through the study days?

    i usually can't study after eating large amounts of sugar because i feel like kicking a wall.
  17. Scissors

    'Artistic purpose' child porn defence to be scrapped

    That's a shame. I fapped several times over that picture Bill Henson took.