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  1. Scissors

    Muslim Cleric to marry 7 years old girl

    helllo, me is a little 7 years old boy. will you be my mummy?
  2. Scissors

    Muslim Cleric to marry 7 years old girl

    smart man. he got in early so that when he's old, his wife's vagina is still young. :. more pleasure. we should all take heed.
  3. Scissors

    examiners taking too much time

    conics, you should've treated the examiners to a golden shower. ;)
  4. Scissors

    are we allowed to change our uac preferences AFTER we get our UAI's?

    i think i've underestimated myself big time, and i've only listed courses which require a relatively low uai. now, i don't want to change my preferences just yet, because i might not have gone as well as i think i have. can i change my preferences after i get my UAI?
  5. Scissors

    Movies most people don't get

    Backdoor Burglar. I don't know why that man placed his wedge in that other guy's anus. I mean, God says not to do that sort of thing.
  6. Scissors

    Help! Trying to find someone!

    yo dawg, i'm calculators. ill pm you where this girl works. go and check it out.
  7. Scissors

    IF you're late

    no, but i'm pretty sure you still get to do the exam.
  8. Scissors

    was anybody just watching oprah?!?!

    there was this kid on the show who is the world champion in karate for his age bracket. he was fucking insane! (in a good way). i'll try to find a vid of it. anybody see it? EDIT: there you go.
  9. Scissors

    lost license

    my two brothers have lost their license about 3 times EACH and unless you've got a clean record and you just happened to lose your license instantly, then no, I don't think you can get away with it.
  10. Scissors

    ITT: We go through the 3U paper and post up answers.

    I'm stupid so I won't post up any answers. Anyway, go!
  11. Scissors

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    Re: How did you guys go? WTF!?! I thought the exam was tomorrow!!!?!!?!?!
  12. Scissors

    How Hard Was Tht?

    oh fuck! ahahahaha. edit: what are you talking about?
  13. Scissors

    How Hard Was Tht?

    I don't know what the boardofstudies is playing at. How could they make the exam that hard? i doubt anybody in the state was able to finish it. Q6 = WTF!?! don't even get me started on Q7
  14. Scissors

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    Re: How did you guys go? EASYYYY. the exam was a joke. god i love bos this year! the exam was a gift.
  15. Scissors

    General Thoughts - Economics

    i wrote my two essays and when i was going over my exam, and reading through my essays, i noticed the quotes and i almost shit myself. then i noticed that i sorta did mention the quotes, even though i didn't directly refer to them.
  16. Scissors

    General Thoughts: Modern History 2008 HSC Exam

    Re: How was modern Exam? WTF!?! i thought 24 pages was in-fucking-sane.
  17. Scissors

    General Thoughts: Modern History 2008 HSC Exam

    Re: How was modern Exam? i don't do this subject, but i just thought i'd tell you guys that a guy in my school wrote 24 pages for one of the essays. lol.
  18. Scissors

    Should teachers be allowed to administer corporal punishment?

    AHAHAHAHAHAHA brother, I was playing you all along. I was referring to "caineing", as in teachers giving kids cocaine. Fucking lol.
  19. Scissors

    Should teachers be allowed to administer corporal punishment?

    Wow. But don't you think it's wrong for teachers to give the caine in SCHOOL? I mean, personally, I'd love to have been given the caine when I was in school, but I just don't think I could have properly concentrated for the rest of the school day.