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  1. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    i'm gonna be listening tonight so i wanna hear somebody troll this cunt.
  2. Scissors

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    dude, i wasn't at all mocking you. i was 100% serious.
  3. Scissors

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Re: How many of you know Obama is half white? you know what? it's people like you that keep me coming back to this website. there are a few of you who always put out alternative ways of looking at things, and it always widens my scope of understanding. thanks man. you're an asset to this site.
  4. Scissors

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Re: How many of you know Obama is half white? how many of you know that obama is a terrorist islam?
  5. Scissors

    German teacher strips in front of students at party

    i wish ms. byrd would've done this.
  6. Scissors

    Has anyone here gone to an Ivy League University?

    AHAHAHAHA! this made me lol (literally)
  7. Scissors

    Distractions throughout/prior to HSC.

    Kevin has been my main distraction. He's real sexy.
  8. Scissors

    Demand for CSU places rise

    can't argue with that.
  9. Scissors

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: the big question WHAT UNI DO YOU WANT TO GO TO AND WHY! the sole difference is that a degree from usyd is seen as more 'prestigious' and so employers are more likely to employ someone with a degree from usyd rather than a degree from mq. ou get taught the exact same thing at both unis though.
  10. Scissors

    Friends of the opposite sex

    how's the weather up there at the moral high ground?
  11. Scissors

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: the big question WHAT UNI DO YOU WANT TO GO TO AND WHY! yeah, you're probably right. i wouldn't want you running my country.
  12. Scissors

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Plans for after the HSC?

    Re: the big question WHAT UNI DO YOU WANT TO GO TO AND WHY! you don't need a uni degree to become a politician. all you need is popularity. oh, and money.
  13. Scissors

    Rules for Customers

    yeah, i guess asking for a full refund is a bit drastic. the customer has every right to ask for a refund though, because the advertised product didn't fit the description of the actual product.
  14. Scissors

    Rules for Customers

    he does sorta have a point though. the chocolate topping is part of the product, so it's only fair that you receive it, and if you don't, then it's only fair that you receive a refund.
  15. Scissors

    Rules for Customers

    looking back at this thread, i'm probably like a model customer.
  16. Scissors

    Rules for Customers

    i friggen love this thread. it always gives me a good laugh. some customers are just real stupid.
  17. Scissors

    UAI Guess Competition

    Re: Official UAI Guess Competition User: Scissors Guess: 86.65 Actual UAI: Signed: 04/11/08
  18. Scissors

    Puppy tortured and hacked before being killed :(

    fuck you make the shittest posts sometimes. fuck off right outta here.
  19. Scissors

    Puppy tortured and hacked before being killed :(

    this sort of thing happens all the time. this certain case just made it into the media. fucking lol at the facebook groups. bunch of idiots. and i gotta admit, i had a bit of a giggle while reading that because there was a fat pizza episode where davo dinkum, the bogan, also hacked a puppy...
  20. Scissors


    cem, that's pretty fucking insane. $60 is top dollar. what do you have to do to become a marker? is it as simple as just putting your hand up? or do you have to pass requirements?