Search results

  1. K

    B. Eco for accounting?

    Why is accounting becoming increasingly popular?
  2. K

    engineering/commerce majors???

    i'm doing engineering (Biomedical) / Commerce... i also didnt get to pick any subjects. My first year only has 1 commerce subject which is ACCT1001...
  3. K

    myUni help??? for the noob

    how come u guys get to pick subjects? My subjects were already chosen during enrolment :S
  4. K

    BoS USyd Roll 2005

    my course is in my sig :)
  5. K

    BOS meet-up

    hmmm.... i'm very curious to see this 'withoutaface' genius...
  6. K

    employment statistics?

    Thank you... i just bought myself a copy :)
  7. K

    employment statistics?

    where can i get this 'university good guide' ?
  8. K

    employment statistics?

    I have two questions: 1. Where can i find usyd employment statistics where graduates get a job in their field? 2. Does Usyd have their own forums like bos? Thanks :cool:
  9. K


    How much for membership $$$ ??
  10. K

    cut-off for pharmacy

    I am dissapointed that the cut-off fell significantly. I've been working hard during hsc to be offered a place in pharmacy but eventually gave up because last year's cut-off was too high. So i decided not to do STAT, and couldnt apply for pharmacy with my UAI of 95.9
  11. K

    HELP! Bridging Courses

    Hello there, The course i'm doing needs physics and i didnt do it for HSC. I've decided NOT to take the bridging course for several reasons. Firstly, it's too expensive and it's only for a week. Secondly, they cover preliminary subjects. I've decided to cover their topics through textbooks...
  12. K

    What was your biggest differerence in your HSC marks?

    Chemistry: assessment = 77 exam = 87 .... had to put up with dumb school exams that asked non-syllabus related questions.
  13. K

    engineering/commerce advance subjects

    Hey #4, how much did u have to pay? I did the 'upfront' thing and payed a total of $3329... are there any other fees left to pay?
  14. K

    engineering/commerce advance subjects

    I'm confused.... I enrolled for Eng (Biomedical) / B Commerce, and i did not get to pick any subjects. Apparently, i only have one commerce subject (ACCT1001) on my first year ... this correct?
  15. K

    Anybody did just 10 units and didn't stuff up any of ya subjects/UAI?

    I also did biology and got 91 for that. I got band 5 for english so that's top 2%. I have no idea how i got that UAI... must be because of 4unit maths crazy scaling... grk_styl's UAI is even more surprising having low scaling subjects such as ancient and gen maths... well done !
  16. K

    Anybody did just 10 units and didn't stuff up any of ya subjects/UAI?

    I did 10 units. I stuffed up 4unit maths as i only answered 49 marks out of 120 in hsc. I was always weak in chemistry and did standard english. My chance of getting 90+ was slim but i still managed to get UAI 95.9
  17. K

    Anbody got UAI of 90+ with low scaled subjects?e.g gen maths

    yea it's gotta be ur business studies
  18. K

    SC & HSC

    I dont remember my marks but my bands are as follows: 2002 School Certificate: Maths - band 5 english - band 4 science - band 4 geo - band 3 history - band 3 2004 HSC: Eng standard - band 5 maths ext2 - band E3 maths ext1 - band E3 biology - band 6 chemistry - band 5 UAI : 95.9
  19. K

    Syd vs. NSW

    i'd say Sydney is better. I'm not sure why but i went to both sydney and NSW open days and i seemed to like sydney probably because of it's historical appearance.
  20. K

    you interested in Engineering?

    that's ridiculous... dont u think ?