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  1. K

    2004 HSC School Stats

    omgsh... my public school is ranked 608 out of 618 :| thank goodness i didnt go there
  2. K

    Anbody got UAI of 90+ with low scaled subjects?e.g gen maths

    i got 95.9 with standard english and biology HSC Marks: Stand eng 81 band 5 chemistry 82 band 5 biology 92 band 6 Maths ext 1 89 band E3 Maths ext 2 79 band E3 Only got 1 band 6 and ended up with 95.9 :S
  3. K

    Official UAI Thread: Post your UAI's here

    what the hell.... i got 95.9 and i totally stuffed up 4unit maths and i do STANDARD english :S
  4. K

    Chem Marks

    did better than expected.... assessment:77 examination: 87
  5. K

    More Band 6 Results in Standard English

    Damn it... i got 82 in standard English. I stuffed up one of the sections by not writing in speech form, couldve had a chance in getting 90's :@... o welz... band 5 is good enough :D
  6. K

    1 mark off band 6

    89 in 3u.... wouldve been better getting E4 LOL
  7. K

    Excel Study Guide

    Do not get Chemistry excel !!!!
  8. K

    i'm stupid... :(

    failure is only short term motivation
  9. K

    who kept RUNNING OUT OF SPACE?!

    The more you write, the more chance of contradicting yourself. The markers prefer to read short and concise answers.
  10. K

    enzyme experiment (8 marks)

    I was very fortunate to get this experiment examined... because I DID NOT WRITE A SINGLE PRAC FOR THIS SUBJECT!!
  11. K

    how well does bio scale?

    omg... who cares... we have no control over scaling. We should jst forget about it =D
  12. K

    how well does bio scale?

    biology has the worst scaling out of the 3 sciences.... probably scales you up by a few marks :S
  13. K

    Multiple choice Q15

    it's sex-linked... i asked my teacher :)
  14. K

    What do you think you'll get?

    Easiest out of the last 3 years! i was struggling in extended questions in past papers...
  15. K

    Cumberland Campus

    i thought cumberland campus is seperated from the city because it's shitty or something
  16. K

    Anyone actually ready for this exam???

    1 hour less sleep?!?!!!!!!
  17. K

    Is anyone here in your exam room?

    213... thought we all had the same centre number :S
  18. K

    When is you last exam!!

    wow... most people finish after Friday the 5th... interesting
  19. K

    Cheating in exams

    i know someone who cheated in english... cant believe the supervisors didnt catch him... blind b***es
  20. K

    2004 HSC Statistics

    The papers are recycled arent they?