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  1. Omium

    Seriously Does Anybody Miss George Bush or not?

    Yup its one big conspiracy Edit: ROFL at sources. 1) Someones blog, lol 2) Someones opinion. 3)...
  2. Omium

    Seriously Does Anybody Miss George Bush or not?

    "prime-factor" Troll or Genuinely insane?
  3. Omium

    Bcommerce double degree

    Your hours would be exactly the same for a single or a double degree, a double degree just takes away some gen-eds and some common subjects.
  4. Omium

    Tutorials & Lectures

    I almost cry when i see non-engineering students timetables. Seeing my timetable is very painful.
  5. Omium

    A dumb kid who is desperate to get into BArch needs advice

    Not to be rude or anything. But um your 9 months late ? :confused::confused:
  6. Omium

    The Official Rugby League Thread!

    Go The Sharkies, The race is already over they should give the sharks the trophy right now. :jedi:
  7. Omium

    MATH1011 and MATH1131... which one should i choose ?

    I suggest MATH1131, the content isn't too difficult and its a nice course. Edit: Congrats on HSC marks and getting accepted to UNSW
  8. Omium

    Hey do you mind with what i did for the "Guide with first year electives" thread? (I just moved...

    Hey do you mind with what i did for the "Guide with first year electives" thread? (I just moved your's and Forbiddens stuff up)
  9. Omium hmm... hmm, thats the only one i can find at the moment there are a few others though
  10. Omium

    A few of my friends did it and failed it (though they are'nt particularly very good students)...

    A few of my friends did it and failed it (though they are'nt particularly very good students) apparently its a terribly structured course, there are large ammounts of tedious mathematical reasoning. Thats what they told me. I think some people have also commented about it on BOS ill try look for it
  11. Omium

    Muslim cleric says its OK to rape your wife

    My religion is truth. Jedi Church - Jedi Religion and Jedi Faith
  12. Omium

    Hey could you please sticky this thread...

    Hey could you please sticky this thread.
  13. Omium

    First Year Guide to Picking Electives

    Most engineers need to pick at LEAST 2 electives for first year, I've decided to create a thread so that students will be able to make a more informed decision on what subjects they should pick. VERY IMPORTANT : I have only done a handful of electives, please help me fill this list...
  14. Omium

    Automatic advanced standing - MQ to UNSW

    [Insert picture with the star trek dude with his hand on his face thinking]
  15. Omium

    Ultimate Guide to First Year Maths

    Unless your doing a Maths Major for Science its not really worth it. From what Ive heard from higher years you barely use anything you learn in first year maths.
  16. Omium

    Favourite Lecturer / Tutor ?

    Cool UNSW-Arts: Languages - Mrs Valerie Combe-Germes
  17. Omium

    Ultimate Guide to First Year Maths

    Ideally im hoping a second year maths or physics student could post another thread like this one. Or when i finish second year physics and second year engineering maths (MATH2019 and MATH2089) ill post up guides to them as well :)
  18. Omium

    Favourite Lecturer / Tutor ?

    Cool wow you guys are pretty close
  19. Omium

    Favourite Lecturer / Tutor ?

    Try and include links to pictures if you can. My Favourite is my Summer session Physics Lecturer His name is Alex Von Brasch. Awesome lecturer, he is also Dirk Nowitskis third cousin (NBA basketball player) I Cant find a Picture of him anywhere so ill just post a link to a...