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  1. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Thats really good advice
  2. Omium

    Racist Voilence at Australia Day

    The greatest nations in the world are multicultural nations. You watch way too many movies.
  3. Omium

    Australian 'Counter-Terrorism' Laws

    I know you want me. ;)
  4. Omium

    Australian 'Counter-Terrorism' Laws

    Thanks, reps to you :)
  5. Omium

    Australian 'Counter-Terrorism' Laws

    Its a a conspiracy duddeee , they aren't lawsz the government is lieing to us, Guyszzz dont believe what you hear, research it... go on this random blog i read...... /prime factor
  6. Omium

    activating student account???!?!HELP

    er, if you are able to enrol in your courses then you've activated your account
  7. Omium

    clashing lectures = you have to give up on the course?

    You can get permission and override the clash
  8. Omium

    The Official Rugby League Thread!

    Its unbelievable how many unloyal NRL players are out there. I guess since most retire in their mid to late 30's, everyone wants to grab as much money as they can. Brisbane tops the list with 13 Loss of Players. WHOAH!!! Followed...
  9. Omium

    Post Your Timetable - S1 2009 Edition

    wow 5 hours travelling? Wherebouts you live?
  10. Omium

    Guide to PICKING UP first years.

    Omg, What happened to you man, you changed, you used to be cool :(
  11. Omium

    Guide to PICKING UP first years.

    lol, reps for gun present ;)
  12. Omium

    Guide to PICKING UP first years.

    lolllll you must be pretty good with the ladies ;)
  13. Omium

    Guide to PICKING UP first years.

    Ah good old CHCl3. Reps for you
  14. Omium

    First Year Guide to Picking Electives

    Re: Guide to Picking First year Electives I almost forgot, reps for Forbidden / Omie Jay and Big Tyma for your contributions :)
  15. Omium

    Guide to PICKING UP first years.

    Hmm, i think she'll get suspicious on the 15 minute bus and 35 minute train ride back to my bedroom :(
  16. Omium

    Guide to PICKING UP first years.

    Hmm though if im after the dumb blonde helpless first year that won't exactly work :( This has potential reps for litany
  17. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Cool wow, lol my school used to particapate in debating competitions.. we got owned in every single debate we had.
  18. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    lol the first thing people ask me when they know i play basketball, "Can you spin the ball on your finger? " I can't :(