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  1. Omium

    Australian Open

    The Greatest Game ever played
  2. Omium

    Changing lecture and tutorial times in the future?

    You don't need textbooks for maths, The "Course Notes" have tons and tons of questions. University mathematics textbook are kinda weird, i didnt really find them helpful
  3. Omium

    'Thank God You're Here' defects to Channel 7.

    I hated that show so bad. Humour was so crap. Its "Comedy Channel" style comedy..... Which is the most stupid comedy i've ever seen.
  4. Omium

    F**k off were full

    Oh dear god. Your post make no sense whatsoever and sounds more stupid every time i read it....
  5. Omium

    Australian Open

    Too long to read.... Its a testament to the Williams sisters talent that they can simply "turn it on" whenever they want. They are truly great.
  6. Omium

    Changing lecture and tutorial times in the future?

    Theres a date where you cant change it, but you dont need to be enrolled in a lecture stream to go to the lectures.... for example, if you have a lecture 9am:11am, but you have work then, there might be another lecture stream that has a lecture 3:5pm so even though your not enrolled in that...
  7. Omium

    Physicist Vs Engineer (Salary)

  8. Omium

    do people actually fail exams ?

    If you put in the effort its hard to fail. Given you put in the effort. its very hard to move up from lets say a D to a HD as there are so many "opporunities" to lose marks......
  9. Omium

    Physicist Vs Engineer (Salary)

    I started off Doing Engineering. And switched very recently to science(physics) because i loved physics. I advise you to do a Engineering/ Science (Physics) double degree and hopefully (like me) you will realise which one you like more and then go for it :)
  10. Omium

    Is your status matriculation...

    On the "My Status" bar ? :confused: (At myunsw)
  11. Omium

    Changing lecture and tutorial times in the future?

    You can Change it but try not to muck with it after the first week. I highly recommend (if your doing maths) if you can't understand your tutors/lecturers switch immediately
  12. Omium

    Breaking news: Obama detained on drug charges.

    I was shocked when i discovered that the Daily telegraph didn't use that headline
  13. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    After 5 hours straight of : It gets very very boring :(
  14. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    "Global Gossip" Its a call centre for International Phone cards. Its pretty good, $17 in normal times and $19 at nights. Its very very quiet now as the entire system is down :) hmmmmmm Do you work?
  15. Omium

    Must visits in South Africa

    lol, You joking or being serious?
  16. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Someone speak. Im bored i have the 11pm - 7am shift at work. someone keep my company till at least 6 am :( Edit: Anyone? :(
  17. Omium

    Australian Open

    If federer wins this game does he reclaim Number 1?
  18. Omium

    Do Chemistry and Food Tech relate?

    I do think so.