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  1. Omium

    do we also get the $950

    You never fail to make me lol
  2. Omium

    Rules for Customers

    you work in a call centre? At my call centre the calls arent recorded. As soon as i sense a customer is getting angry, i shut the phone. I can't be bothered repeating "i dont make the prices" for the 50 000th time..
  3. Omium


  4. Omium


  5. Omium

    Most OVERRATED sport stars

  6. Omium

    F**k off were full

    If they did get their segregated areas then it wouldnt be fair, no. But its not gana happen. I agree here.
  7. Omium

    F**k off were full

    repped lol
  8. Omium

    F**k off were full

    OMG students are demanding something STOP THE PRESSES. Nutjob Students can demand anything they want, Its not like they will ever actually get it. Those students requests will be like ALL other requests they will be "carefully considered" and then "unfortunately rejected" Basically...
  9. Omium

    F**k off were full

    Actually Muslims usually have A bathroom in some uni's for "wudu". You wouldnt want people sticking their feet in a random uni bathroom would you? Ive visited USYD, UWS, UTS, UNSW: No Special Lunchrooms. No outdoor Seating areas Has A timetable been changed so suit a...
  10. Omium

    Easier courses = easier to achieve good grades? ( HD or D)

    For Chemistry read this Also for other electives. CHEM1011 is a very dense course.... Those who say its "just a revision of high school" havent done the course..
  11. Omium

    clashing lectures = you have to give up on the course?

    Same as ive got a clash with biomath but im doing it still regardless
  12. Omium

    Why are the so many racists and religion-discriminators on BOS???

    Spread the book of "Origin" to all those blessed by creation. It is the will of the Ori.
  13. Omium

    results for summer semester

    Thats very very early.....
  14. Omium

    Trying to catch up on chem?

    hey sophie. hey david
  15. Omium

    which rugby league player you hate the most!?

    I hate the Melbourne Team from the bottom of my heart...
  16. Omium

    Guide to PICKING UP first years.

    Anyone wana help me set up a chloroform stand at 0-week ?
  17. Omium

    Australian Open

    Yeah Nadal was clearly the better player on the floor today. That match was a Classic. There were so many rallies with unbelievable / impossible looking shots.
  18. Omium

    Australian Open

    lol, that was so cool watching it live.
  19. Omium

    are afternoon and night classes usually a lot smaller?

    early Morning and night - a little less people. Afternoon - max people
  20. Omium

    Australian Open

    Yer Federer over-shadowed Nadal in the speeches lol