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  1. Omium

    Rules for Customers

    I can help here. Usually at fast food stores you people serving us speak WAY TOO LOW, where we can't hear what you guys are saying..... thats probably why they said "pepsi".
  2. Omium

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    True, I used to do outbound, i hated it so much....... Inbound is pretty cool. What call centre company do you work at?? Edit: Not sure if ive posted this up..... Cell centre: $17 daytime, $19 at nights.
  3. Omium

    Most OVERRATED sport stars

    Djokovich, He probably isnt over-rated but i feel like smashing his skull every time i see him play
  4. Omium

    wanting to do higher maths 1A

    For all Uni courses : You study hard and understand whats going on, you get good marks. Its really that simple
  5. Omium

    Easier courses = easier to achieve good grades? ( HD or D)

    I largely did CHEM1011 as i read about it on the handbook and thought "this is HSC chem" however its not the case, your friends probably found it easy as they went through all the content in CHEM1031
  6. Omium

    Fastest Way to University Lecturing position?

    Ive recently dropped from Engineering / Science To Science. Im hoping to become a university lecturer or similar, Should i do my science degree, then honours then PHD? Or, Do a Science/Education Degree and then continue with the science honours and PHD? would the education degree...
  7. Omium

    Most OVERRATED sport stars

    He has lived up to the hype, i mean what more can he do? The only thing he needs to work on more is his outside shooting
  8. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    We should organise a soccer game or something during the semester?
  9. Omium

    Rules for Customers

    My one is extremely flexible, i just had my exams, i told my supervisor to put me on for 1 shift... i got that one shift and let my friend take it :). Usually as soon as you get an interview.... you've got the job. its just a matter of getting the interview thats the hard part, make sure you...
  10. Omium

    man's penis explodes after sex

    Just thought id re-ignite the oldest thread in Light and Offbeat
  11. Omium

    Most OVERRATED sport stars

    You have clearly never watched him play. When he plays its like a man playing against children, he can will himself to do basically anything. He is second best player in the NBA right now (after Kobe). His numbers are ridiculously good , he can shoot, rebound and give assists. 28...
  12. Omium

    F**k off were full

    The Muslims are comming! /Rings Bell
  13. Omium

    UNSW: Bsc > BEng/BSC

    You can do whatever you like.... enrol in science subjects if you want for first year, they will almost ALL overlap with engineering subjects....
  14. Omium

    Rules for Customers

    Do you get customers like we do threatening to complain to "ASIC and the ACCC" Its amazing how many people think they can scare me into giving them free credit by doing that.... They think im as dumb as they are.
  15. Omium

    Rules for Customers

    lol. I get some very dumb customers. Like the place i work we need to recharge international phone cards, this customer gave me all her details, credit card number, expiry date, confirmation digits, first and last name, the name of her bank etc. I need to record down her address because...
  16. Omium

    Getting into full tutorials

    Look every few days... people randomly drop out... Edit: i can help you get into classes without the pre-requisite if you like :)
  17. Omium

    dude dont feed the trolls, the way you replied to this post...

    dude dont feed the trolls, the way you replied to this post: just re-inforces the sterotype of muslims in general.
  18. Omium

    Transferring?? B.Sci --> B.Sci (Adv)

    i hardly think having the phrase "adv" will make any difference to your job prospects..