Search results

  1. davidbarnes

    Who is going to vote liberal?

    Lol, how good are the notes? 3 years Liberal vs Chemistry...
  2. davidbarnes

    How'd everyone go in their prelims?

    So you're only doing 9 units?
  3. davidbarnes

    f=mg equation

    Yes those are the only values. That is the exact question above.
  4. davidbarnes

    pimples? formals?

    Ok, peel a banana and i na bowl mash it up with a fork, add some oil (e.g perrpermint or sandlewood) (or if you don't have oisl, add some water) and apply to face. Leave 10 minutes, remvoe and wash face.
  5. davidbarnes

    Finding stationary points

    "Find any stationary points on the curve f(x) = X^4 - 2X^2 - 3." I can always find the first point, although I don't know how you are supposed to find the second (or in some cases third point) that the answer shows. Likewise with "Show that the curve f(x) = X^5 + 1 has a point of inflexion at...
  6. davidbarnes

    f=mg equation

    "In a particular 'bungee' jump, a 75kg person 'freefalls' for 5 seconds (ignore air resistance) before the bungee brings the person to a stop in a further 3 seconds. Determinev the average deceleration force acting during this time." You can only use the equation F=mg to sole the above...
  7. davidbarnes

    What have you eaten today?

    I have eaten - 2 cups of tea , 3 biscuits, 1 small packet of crisps, 1/4 of an apple, small bowl of noodles.
  8. davidbarnes

    Foods that make you go 'eww'...

    I think meat is digusting. Its not the thought of the animals being killed, etc, but its the thoguht of eating the flesh of something that was living perhaps only a few days earlier. Having pet sheep/chickens doesn't help either thoguh.
  9. davidbarnes

    Need HELP?

    I could always do with any help you could offer with Maths.
  10. davidbarnes

    Who is going to vote liberal?

    I'm voting labor.
  11. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    1st Period : Chemistry - research on biopolymers (I chose biopol). 2nd Period: Chemistry - research on biopolymers (I chose biopol). 3rd Period: Free- done maths. 4th Period: Maths - Applciations to calculus. 5th Period: Physics - done projectile motion experiment. 6th Period: Maths -...
  12. davidbarnes

    Tips for 2008 HSC Class/Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Your HSC

    Re: How to win the hsc Do teachers have to look at this, etc or can they refuse to accept it?
  13. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    1st Period : Physics - Equations 2nd Period: Physics - Equations 3rd Period: Earth & Enviromental Science - Wrote up experiement, didn't really do much, this is starting to form a pattern... 4th Period: English - Readings 5th Period: Study - Earth & Enviroemntal Science/Physics 6th Period...
  14. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    1st Period : Maths - Applications of calculus 2nd Period: Maths - Applications of calculus 3rd Period: Geography - done chemistry homework 4th Period: Geography - bludged on computers 5th Period: Earth & Enviromental Science - Wrote notes, altohguh didn't do much 6th Period: Chemistry - Furthur...
  15. davidbarnes

    HELP! TER to UAI

    I believe TER is equal to UAI.
  16. davidbarnes

    UNSW Engineering Day

    Isn't mechanical engieering quite similar to aeronautical with the first 2 years at Uni being identical for both?
  17. davidbarnes

    2 answers to multiple choice?

    I'd go with A as well.
  18. davidbarnes

    Explanation of HSC Marks (Moderating)

    What the hell, the above doesn't seem very fair.
  19. davidbarnes

    UNSW Engineering Day

    So what would you suggest is an engineering field in which it would be almost guranteed you could lget a job in that field within say the first year of completing the degree? I dislike civil eng, mining eng, and electrical eng.
  20. davidbarnes

    UNSW Engineering Day

    Of course I know its Labor, I'm not an idiot :) It is a joke about how we all need Rudd and his education revoloution.