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  1. davidbarnes

    Need Some Online Tutoring

    Thanks. Could you pelase PM me your MSN address.
  2. davidbarnes

    Shortage of science and mathematics teachers

    Of course they only do it because they know they'll get away with it. Other teachers don't get this happening to htem as they wouldn't tolerate it. Some recent ones include: Putting fine saw dust (from a sander bag) all over a teachers back when he was turned away. Using an airhorn in inside...
  3. davidbarnes

    Differernce of a square/inequalities

    Algebra stuffs me right up, and as i don't have the basics I get furthur behind. Can anyone please explain "differernce of a square" and "inerqualities" to me, as though I knew nothing of these at all. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. davidbarnes


  5. davidbarnes

    Need Some Online Tutoring

    As I don't live in a large city, and live in a very small country town, normal tutoring is just not an option. I need someone to tutor me online in the basics of maths. I'm talking covering year 8/9/10 maths basics, of which I am lacking, espically with algebra.
  6. davidbarnes

    Shortage of science and mathematics teachers

    Some teachers are decent, although about 3 are total pushovers. Throwing paper darts at teachers. Throwing balls at teachers heads when they are turned around. Throwing up to 50 or so paper balls during a lesson. Calling a male teacher a bitch. Walking out of lessons 10 minutes early.
  7. davidbarnes

    Shortage of science and mathematics teachers

    Lol, Last year at my school one teacher taught me 5 out of 7 subjects! I had him for maths, science, PE, sose, and tech. Pretty sure he wasn't even qualified in at least two of those, espcially considering he was only in his second or third year out of uni.
  8. davidbarnes

    Need Urgent Help

    I lost my glasses. What should I do and how shoul i tell parents?
  9. davidbarnes

    Quick Questions

    Still don't get it lol. </x>
  10. davidbarnes

    Quick Questions

    Thanks, I thought that was waht it was. :)
  11. davidbarnes

    Quick Questions

    Thats what I don't get. Would multiplying by 4, not cuase the left side to be unbalanced?
  12. davidbarnes

    Quick Questions

    LOl, I still don't get it.
  13. davidbarnes

    Quick Questions

    I have no idea at all what test points are. Teacher isn't the best, and I'm not very good at algebra, so have no idea what this is. So what are test points?
  14. davidbarnes

    Quick Questions

    So for the last one, you cross multiply? How do you know which product goes on what side of the sign (>, etc).
  15. davidbarnes

    Quick Questions

    What does the 'O' in BODMAS stand for? Can anyone help me with the following algebra qustions. (x²)² - How do I expand when both are squared? (x + 5)² + (1 - x)(1 + x) (x - 3)(x² - 2x + 7) (2x - 5)(3x² + x - 4) Also is the answer to the below question x > -45 or x > -23 (ignore the dots)...
  16. davidbarnes

    Ohm's Law

    I am trying to understand Ohm's Law. Can anyone explain the basics of this to me? I placed this in this forum as this is the education forums...
  17. davidbarnes

    Quick Maths Q

    Is it even possible to solve it using that little info?
  18. davidbarnes

    Algebra Help

    Algerbra (and maths altogether) are my weakest points. Sites which I use include (lol)
  19. davidbarnes


  20. davidbarnes


    Can anyone explain to me transformations on an x, y axis? Eg - 2 x 2X I can map that fine, although just don't get how to do a translation, eg, of 2X.