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  1. davidbarnes

    Anyone got a good cartoon that would relate to Truman
  2. davidbarnes

    What's the worst trouble you've ever been in at school?

    Proably when was supposed to be watching some old video in English, and decided to watch a less than appropriate dvd instead. Teacher went mental, even ran, lol. Teacher gave us a lecture, and I talked myself out of getting into serious trouble. Talking about a teacher, and realisng she was...
  3. davidbarnes

    Circle Theorms

    Thanks Riviet and Kujah particularly. My answers were: 1. x = 86 - correct 2. x = 109 - wrong 3. x = 42.5 - wrong 4. x = 54 - correct 5. x = 38 - correct 6 x = 25 - correct 7. x = 53 - correct I had a bit of trouble with 3 and 7, and got both 2 and 3 wrong. I still have absolutely no idea...
  4. davidbarnes


    I am having trouble understanding this concept, mainly due to the fact the teacher doesn't get it, and even admitted this. Another teacher tried to explain it, although went off on a huge rant, which no one got. So what is electromagentsim? Electricity/current + magnetic field profuce in...
  5. davidbarnes

    Work Experience

    So any good suggestions for tutorials for PC's, espically in building them?
  6. davidbarnes

    Circle Theorms

    Ok, I clearly get that, although how do I relate it to he #2 problem above?
  7. davidbarnes

    Graphics Calculator

    Is a Casio Colour Graphic Calculator CFX-9850GB any good? Can it run programs?
  8. davidbarnes

    Circle Theorms

    Also can anyone please explain the theorm "angles subtened by the same arc" as I just can't seem to get this one no matter what way I look at it.
  9. davidbarnes

    Circle Theorms

    Can anyone help me with the below circle theorms. I've attempted some, and would appreicate knowing whether they are right or not. As for the rest, I have absolutely no idea how to go about them. Possible Answers: 1. x = 86 degrees 2. x = 45 degrees 5. x = 27 degrees 6. x = 25 degrees 7. x =...
  10. davidbarnes

    Ohms Law Shortcut

    Thanks, thats one I'll easily remember.
  11. davidbarnes

    Electrical Circuits

    Thats helpful thanks. I acrtually understand it.
  12. davidbarnes

    Surds Help Please

    What is the keyboard equivalent sign for the root sign?
  13. davidbarnes

    Surds Help Please

    When writing 30758 as products of prime factors, can anyone please tell me what this is. I know how to do these, and can do others fine, although keep getting the answer 2^2 x 7 x 13^3 for this one, which is wrong.
  14. davidbarnes

    Surds Help Please

    When their are multiple indices to work with, do you multiply or add these? E.g. (10^2)^4 --- Does this become 10^8 or 10^6? (10^3)^2
  15. davidbarnes

    Surds Help Please

    When dividing surds, would 72 - 18 + 8 be 3 8 - 2?
  16. davidbarnes


    Thanks Slidey, thats helps.
  17. davidbarnes


    Right I got it all, bar this. By cutting the Y axis, do you mean the y intercept? Then I have absolutely no idea how you got y=x+1 y=3x+5 y=x-9 If you translate a line 1 unit to the right in the x direction, you've done the following: y=x+1. I know how you got y=x+1, although not y=3x+5.
  18. davidbarnes

    Maths Help!

    No idea, although we only learnt them this year in the oast few weeks. My school is not the best, lol.
  19. davidbarnes

    Why You're Not Good at Certain Subjects...

    I'm good at English, Science and any writing/researching subject.
  20. davidbarnes

    Online Graphics Calculator

    Ok, so its like WinZip, etc?