Search results

  1. davidbarnes

    When it's over

    Whats the game Gears of War like? Might conside getting that one. I'll just relax a bit, and study for next year suppose, as I am really starting to fall behijnd.
  2. davidbarnes

    Work Experience

    Who else here is doing work experience soon? Doing it not this week, but next, at a computer shop. Does anyone have any online reosurces whoing how to build a PC from scratch for an absolute beginner. The computer shop sort of assumed I already knew how to do this, and I didn't have the heart...
  3. davidbarnes

    Why You're Not Good at Certain Subjects...

    Maths - I can get it and all, although I take slightly longer than everyone else, espcially with algebra. PE - Just not my thing. Home Ec - Terrible teacher who hates me made me lose all interest. I like everything esle anda re good at them.
  4. davidbarnes

    Subjects you're be doing for the last time.

    I'll be dropping Australian studies, Visual Arts, Tech - Wood, and Physical Education.
  5. davidbarnes

    Maths Help!

    You're already doing Logs??? We've only just finished learning Pythagoras/Trig.
  6. davidbarnes

    Online Graphics Calculator

    What is "honour based" registration?
  7. davidbarnes

    Online Graphics Calculator

    On the site, it says Graphmatica is only a trial, and you have to order the full version.
  8. davidbarnes

    Chemistry Class of 2007: Roll Call

    I'm doing chem next year, although have no idea on an elective. Can schools offer the subject without an elective?
  9. davidbarnes

    Periodic table Of Elements

    Whats the best prinatble one available on the net? Does anyone have an nifty ways to help learn and remember it?
  10. davidbarnes

    Ohms Law Shortcut

    Is there any shortcut to remembeing Ohms Law?
  11. davidbarnes

    Electrical Circuits

    How does electrical energy flow around a circuit. The negative atoms are tring to push their way around a circuit to reach the positive terminal, hence generating a charge? Can electrical energy only flow from positive to negative, or can it also flow from negative to positive?
  12. davidbarnes


    Can I please have a better explanation of coulombs. All I understand is that it is the messure of 100 million, million, million electron past a point.
  13. davidbarnes

    X/Y axis

    Does anyone have any tips for remembering which is the x, and which is the y axis on a graph?
  14. davidbarnes

    Need help with inequalitie

    Ok, that didn't work too well. In the first equation, 2 is raised to the power of x-3 and in the second equation 9 is raised to the power of x, and 27 is raised to the power of 2-2x.
  15. davidbarnes

    Need help with inequalitie

    Can anyone please xplain how I would solve the two following equations, WITHOUT using a calculator. x-3 2 = 1/32 and x 2 - 2x 9 = 27
  16. davidbarnes


    Please help I have a test tomorrow.
  17. davidbarnes

    Graphics Calculator

    South Australia.
  18. davidbarnes

    Graphics Calculator

    I'm doing Pure maths 1 and 2 and Specialist maths, I'm not in NSW or Vic.
  19. davidbarnes

    Online Graphics Calculator

    Is there any online/downloadable program which can perform the same functions as a graphics calculator?
  20. davidbarnes

    Graphics Calculator

    I'll be in my second last year of high school next year, studying 3 units of maths. Does a graphics calculator help much at all? If so, what is the best brand to buy?