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  1. davidbarnes

    Subject choices for next year

    I am for maths next year, or are going to try to anyway :)
  2. davidbarnes

    Work Experience

    Ok, first day went alright. Put up all their Christmas deorations, cleaned out and sorted hundreads of components. Untanged over 200 cords (and about 100 power supplies) and bundled these all individually. Downloaded updates and drivers and stuff. Tested some cd rom drives. Setup a computer...
  3. davidbarnes

    Work Experience

    Well work experience starts tomorrow for me, and I'm doing it a at a computer building/repair shop. Too bad I don't even know how to open up the case of a computer, lol. Any general tips I should know?
  4. davidbarnes

    Formals Are Starting...

    Year 10s all finsihed Tuesday (including me). I spend 0 on a formal, as we don't even get one... How sad is it that the school can't even do that.
  5. davidbarnes


    Distinction in English and IT. Partipication in maths and thats all the school offered this year (no science. etc).
  6. davidbarnes

    Pepper/Detergent Reaction + Video

    Can anyone explain how the following reaction in this video works. Summary of video: There’s a bowl of water, and pepper is ground on top of the water. Place a finger in the water with pepper and nothing happens. Place a small bit of...
  7. davidbarnes

    Easiest subject

    Science subjects are easiest for me, as is English. I have most trouble with maths.
  8. davidbarnes

    Electrical Circuits

    Thanks for the help guys. That link you poosted Alcader is very good.
  9. davidbarnes

    Formals Are Starting...

    We don't even get a formal. :(
  10. davidbarnes

    How many assignments do you have?

    Well I just completed a 3000 word assignment for art, on the painting "Shearing the rams", which I do not find that great at all. Took about 2.5/3 hours, although at least its done now. Due tomorrow, and worst of all, its not even being graded, although we still have to do it. I don't fear the...
  11. davidbarnes

    Electrical Circuits

    Thanks for all that Alcalder. I think I done not bad in the test, and hopefully got 85/90% correct. Know I stuffed up one question on teh charge of electrons. As for how a motor and generator works, I meant like the brushes in a motor, and how they touch the turning coil, and the cuts in a...
  12. davidbarnes

    Electrical Circuits

    What wil be the direction of 4 compass needles palced on the card around the wire?
  13. davidbarnes

    Surds help

    Thanks for the help guys, it gives me a better understanding, espically on the indice laws.
  14. davidbarnes

    Surds help

    Ok, got an exam tomorrow, so am just revising. I'm confused with the following surd equations, and would appreiate some help and a good expanation of how to solve for these. (3 root7)^3 (root5 + 7)^2 (root7 - root11)(root7 + root11) 2 root3 (4 root3 + 5) Also some indices...
  15. davidbarnes

    Electrical Circuits

    Ok, got a test on this tomorrow, so would appreicate help on the below, which I don't get. In simple terms how, do generators aand motors work? I'm not meaning current + magnet field, though. Can current frlow from neagtive to positive. I'm not meaning negatively charged atoms flowing...
  16. davidbarnes

    Circle Theorms

    For 7, is alternate segment theorem the same as the 'angle between a tangent and chord" theorem? Does x = 53 degrees? 8. X = 7 degrees. 9. I do not get this one at all. How do you even know its an isocoles triangle to begin with?
  17. davidbarnes

    what are you gonna do in the coming 3 weeks?

    Got camp this week, then work experience next week, then finsihed for the year.
  18. davidbarnes

    Circle Theorms

    Ok, I now get 1, 2, 3,4, 5, and 6, although not 7, 8, and 9.
  19. davidbarnes

    what are you gonna do in the coming 3 weeks?

    Still doing work in most subjects. English - watching DVDs. Maths - revision Science - revision History - nothing PE - Doing whatever/ now watching Ashes. Art - Still have to work, grr. Tech - Watching DVds.
  20. davidbarnes

    Circle Theorms

    With 2. How did you get 2x and 102? 3. I can't do crongruent triangles. I get how you got angle PRQ = angle RQT. 3. Got tha ione thanks. 8. Can see how you got that. 9. I got 90 ((180 - 96), although why did you then divide that by two? Then I got the rest of it.