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  1. davidbarnes

    Casio Calculator Program Passwords

    Thanks, thats a good site, anlthough not what I wanted.
  2. davidbarnes

    Casio Calculator Program Passwords

    Does anyone know the passwords for the programs that ship with Casiio calculators? I'm interested in seeing how these actually work.
  3. davidbarnes


    How do you know whether a sequence is geometric or arithmetic?
  4. davidbarnes

    Real Simple, easy question

    Ok, so say we have 5 = 10 * X So does X = 5/10 or does X = 10/5? Can never remmeber which one goes on top.
  5. davidbarnes

    Hot air balloon

    Ok, I've not saw that formula before, although will give it a go. Its not a homework question or anything. I did however find an excellent freeware program called "model hot air balloons", which can do all this + more than what I wanted.
  6. davidbarnes

    Hot air balloon

  7. davidbarnes

    Hot air balloon

    A hot air ballon by law is requried to have a minimum air capacity of 1000M^3. So whats the smallest one can be (e.g 2 metres high, 3 metres wide etc). I can't seem to work it out. Thanks
  8. davidbarnes

    Some Algebra Help Please + Random Question

    I'm solving questions, where you prove congrunece/similarity and then find x etc. I can do all that fine, up until the below (I obviously can't get it right). The equation circle3d is the one I'm having troublw wth, such as where does the -4(1) come from??? I also have a random question...
  9. davidbarnes

    Paralellogram Proof

    Thanks for the help. I get the basic concept now. Oh, and it will be in the test.
  10. davidbarnes

    Labelling Angles

    Can anyone explain how to correctly talk about how a triangle/theorm is labelled. e.g - <BAC = < DCA I can just never seem to get these right, and can work out the answer, altohugh just not get the answer down on paper correctly. So what are the rules for this?
  11. davidbarnes

    Atomic Weight Comparison

    Why was the atomic weight of a;ll elements changed from being compared to Hydrogen (to carbon I think?)?
  12. davidbarnes

    Paralellogram Proof

    First off, I can't spell paralellogram. How the heck do you prove the "paralellogram" theorm (not using any other paralellogram theorms) and also prove the "diagonals of paralellogrram theorm. I just can't seem to work these out.
  13. davidbarnes

    L.W and S.W Radiation

    Simply, what is L.W and S.W Radiation?
  14. davidbarnes

    Converse to midpoint theorm

    Can anyone explain the converse to midpoint theorm to me please?
  15. davidbarnes

    Congruent/Similar Triangles

    What is Reflexive Property of Con-gruence?</pre>
  16. davidbarnes

    Congruent/Similar Triangles

    I'm confused as to the differernce between congrunet and simialr tringles. In congruent, everything about them (side lengths, angles, etc) are equal, while for 2 triangles to be similar, only the angles of the triangles or the lengths of the sides of the triangles have to be the same?
  17. davidbarnes

    Advice on teacher's who can't teach

    I had a teacher that threw some students exercise books across the room, paper went flying everywhere, and this occured on several occasions. The same teacher would also threaten students. The teacher had a "break", and then left a short while after.
  18. davidbarnes

    Congruent/Similar Triangles

    Thanks for that link, at a quick glance it looks helpful. The textbook isn't much use either as it assumes a pre defined understanding.
  19. davidbarnes


    Would anyone care to explain what practical use studying "Networks" has? The only real life practical use I can think of it setting up a networked computer network.
  20. davidbarnes

    Congruent/Similar Triangles

    We did briefly cover this last year, althoguh I never really grasped the concept at the time (we had several teacher chnages in a short period of time, and they couldn't even control the class, let alone teach). New year, and a new teacher, and we're back onto congruent and similar triangles...