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  1. davidbarnes

    Calculating 3^3^3^3^3^3 etc

    How would I calculate on a graphics calculator 1^3 then take that answer and have 1answer^3 then 2answer^3 all the way up to 49answer^3 ?
  2. davidbarnes

    Anode/Cathode Basics?

    Can anyone explain the node/Cathode thing to me? I just keep getting really confused by it.
  3. davidbarnes

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    I do quite well in molst subjects, and do brillantly in Geography and English althoguh I absolutely hate English and find them to both be boring. Maths and Physics are defiantly my worst subjects althoguh my favourites. Chemistry is sort of a neutral subject.
  4. davidbarnes

    the BEST thing about ... PHYSICS!!!! (oh and the worst thing?) LOL

    Its quite a good subject and I find it the most interesting and diverse. It covers a broad range of stuff, and quite a bit of that actually interests me. Hardest part is how in depth it can become and how complicated some forumlas and calculations are.
  5. davidbarnes

    Magnets in eelctricity generation

    I have talk about teh use of magnets in electricty generation. All i can find thoguh is the magnet in a generator and ican talk about that in under 20 seconds.
  6. davidbarnes


    Ok I understand that. Althoguh how does one convert to Radians then?
  7. davidbarnes

    distraction by computers?

    I usually read Wikipedia for the whole lesson, or other interesting stuff.
  8. davidbarnes

    Magnets in eelctricity generation

    Thanks. I actually have already downloaded those before and have them already. Never thought of checking them. Noticed the title spelling error too.
  9. davidbarnes


    Thanks. I actually have already downloaded those before and have them already. Never thought of checking them.
  10. davidbarnes


    I thoguht 1 radian equalled 15 degrees, and that therer was 24 radians in a 360 degree circle.
  11. davidbarnes

    bio or physics ?

    Physics, as I know it will get me furthur in life than biology. Biology is still interesting though.
  12. davidbarnes


    Converting radians to degrees and vice versa confuses me. I can sort of do it, althogh not really the way we're supposed to. Something like pie over 12 = 1 rad pie over 6 = 2? rad I have no idea really. So whats the deal with pie over 12, pie over 6 etc. What comes next, pie over 3???
  13. davidbarnes

    HPV Vaccinations

    Yeha, just got the forms for these yesterday.
  14. davidbarnes

    Are we stuffed?

    Just do the best you can. Whatever mark you get, you'll know you've tried your best and you'll ultimately feel even greater knowing you were the one who put in the long work.
  15. davidbarnes

    Work Experience

    I done work experience in the school holidays. i go to a state school and their insurance covered it.
  16. davidbarnes

    Magnets in eelctricity generation

    How are magnets used in the generation of eelctrical energy. I can only think of electromagnets and the magnet in a generator. Does anyone have any more info or a site which shows other ways magnets are used for electricity generation?
  17. davidbarnes

    Casio Graphics Calculator

    I tried as suggested, althoguh can't access the setup from the main menu. I can access the setup when in say the graphing window, althoguh that only has options such as grid on/off etc, and theres no "mode" option.
  18. davidbarnes

    Casio Graphics Calculator

    That sounds like tim might work. I'll try that thanks.
  19. davidbarnes

    Casio Graphics Calculator

    I know what you're talking about it and can do that on my scientific calculator, altohugh the graphics calculator doesn't have a mode button that I can see.
  20. davidbarnes

    Casio Graphics Calculator

    With a Casio graphics calculator, in the run/simple claculator menu sub section, if I type 3-2, it will give the result 0 or 1. The same occurs in any programs. How do I make it go to decimal places?