Search results

  1. davidbarnes

    Anti-Stress and Relaxation Hobbies

    Get with my girlfriend...
  2. davidbarnes

    Premium Membership

    What subjects do they have good resources for? Or perhaps should I ask which subjects do they not?
  3. davidbarnes

    Right subjects for UAI?

    Am I doing the right pattersn ,etc to get a UAI? Physics Chem Eng Adv Maths 2U Matsh Ext 1 Geography E&E Science
  4. davidbarnes

    How'd everyone go in their prelims?

    Cam first in geography/ Earth and Enviromental. 6th Physics. Others not worth mentioning, I really need to improve thoguh.
  5. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    Friday (site was down) Double chem - Polystyrene, etc, made models of these Physics - Practical Maths - Series (finance)
  6. davidbarnes

    Lost my Distance Education Papers

    The description is a bit broad. Specific details?
  7. davidbarnes

    Chemistry or Senior Science?

    If you think you can do it, go for it.
  8. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    E&E Science - Nothing Double Physics - Nothing, just read book Geography - Nothing, sat nad listenened English - Wrote extended repsonse Forums are down a lot.
  9. davidbarnes

    Lacking Motivation

    One I'm hoping for has a UAI of approx 98, althoguh I don't have much chance of obtaining that so would have to do a 5 year double degree instead of the 4 year single degree to get into that field, as the cutoff is lower and more realistic.
  10. davidbarnes

    Lacking Motivation

    One I'm hoping for has a UAI of approx 98, altohguh I don't have much chance of obtianign that so woudl have to do a 5 year double degree instead of the 4 year singel degree to get into that.
  11. davidbarnes

    Lacking Motivation

    I am sort of the same mind as you.
  12. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    Had an easy day today. Two free periods. Then in maths period we had a rep from the BOS speak to us about improving results, etc. Physics - Teacher absent, had sub, wrote our own simple notes/questions Double english - wrote notes about historical context of text
  13. davidbarnes

    How was your school day?

    Well we did fuck all at school today.
  14. davidbarnes

    heaps of units..

    I'm doing 13 units.
  15. davidbarnes

    Unit Conversion

    What sort of units are you tying to convert? E.g millimetres to kilometres, or what, etc?
  16. davidbarnes

    School captaincy speeches

    Just make lots of promises, such as extended lunch hour, better food in canteen, casual day once a week etc, better school activities, betetr scholl spirirt/sport, more staff development days, better resources, more computers, etc. Just basically anything reasnobale, doesn't matter whether you...
  17. davidbarnes

    Anyone repeat ever?

    If i don't get desired UAi I will defiantly repeat.
  18. davidbarnes

    Should I drop a subject next year?

    Current subjects are: 3U Maths 2U Physics 2U Chemistry 2U Advanced English 2U Geography 2U Earth & Enviromental Science Maths/chem/english/physics are all essential. Future career is science/engineering. Only possibles to drop are geography or earth & enviromental science. These are defiantly...
  19. davidbarnes

    Uni Courses

    Can anyon tell me what Uni courses REQUIRE 4 unity maths?