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  1. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    type mismatch? what error is that?
  2. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    The assignment? It tests more about mathematics than programming.
  3. Omium

    Failure rate for Chem1011

    lol i love joe brophy. he is awesome
  4. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Chiral. :) For 0.13M HOBr. You need to remember Ka * Kb = 10^-14 and pKa + pKb = 14 Also OHBr dissociates to give OH- so you need to find POH then do 14 - POH to give PH. As POH + PH = 14.
  5. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    lol bishop Isnt too bad in other courses... He writes up on the board a lot in my CHEM course and actually makes a lot of sense. When i was doing MATS i hated him :S
  6. Omium

    Failure rate for Chem1011

    lol Ive DEFINETLY GOT HER for two tutes and two labs per week
  7. Omium

    Failure rate for Chem1011

    I mean, i dont know what her name is. I prolly do have her for a tute but i dont know what her name is :S. So yer, anybody got a pik or a link to a pik?
  8. Omium

    UNSW Chemical Sciences

    The Chemical Sciences building is pretty good, its big, shiny, and labs are awesome. Its also spacious and there are some rooms to study. Its directly connected to the massive Applied sciences building
  9. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    lol i saw you fiddling with the comp it looked like you had it. Also, Why does this guy seem so familiar......
  10. Omium

    Failure rate for Chem1011

    Could you post a pik or a link to a pik of her. I think i might have her for a tute. but i dont know her name :S
  11. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Yer tomorrows calculus. lol you'll never find out who i am :). Yer i like the algebra dude a lot, lol he does 15 laps of the lecture theatre during his lectures.
  12. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    lol, Do it in Maths lecture this week wednesday.
  13. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Way to fuck up the most productive conversation in UNSW :P
  14. Omium


    Hm just thought id make ya happy by posting something irrelevant. That way when you actually click on this thread eagerly waiting replies you'll be disappointed :hammer:
  15. Omium

    Getting into the course i want....

    UNSW wants your money. You'll get in if you get a 92. Dont worry about it.
  16. Omium

    Civil vs Software Engineering

    Why exactly are they a laughing stock of modern society? Do you have any evidence proving society thinks civil engineers are a "laughing stock"
  17. Omium

    ENGG1000 projects for flexible first years

    er, your getting ahead of yourself. Look up the course outline. youll see all the projects.
  18. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Im a big boy now.
  19. Omium

    RIP all those innocent victims who died post- 9/11

    This might come as a shock to you. But if it rains in one city it doesnt necessarily rain in another city.. OP didnt mention anything about that..... Your pathetic
  20. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    You do know when the revolution comes im gana kill you.