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  1. Omium

    Large Hadron Collider - Death Threats

  2. Omium

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    Just thought i would add...... I know 3 international students. One of them topped an extremely difficult physics course, And got HD's in his other 3 subjects. The second one got 98 in a chemistry course. And also has a HD average. The third also has a HD average.
  3. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    lol. The applied sciences building is by far the worst. :S Chemical is cool just because they have those bubblers
  4. Omium

    Large Hadron Collider - Death Threats

    oh FFS, A 17 year old with a PHD in Astrophysics. WOW
  5. Omium

    Large Hadron Collider - Death Threats

    Yes because clearly they are insane if EVERYBODY else is saying they're insane... You have no idea about any of the processes involved to STFU plz.
  6. Omium

    Large Hadron Collider - Death Threats

    And you want to do med..... May god help us all.
  7. Omium

    Large Hadron Collider - Death Threats

    This new crop of Year 11 and Year 12 Students seem to be experts in Quantum Mechanics and Particle Theory. Amazing. Didnt know they improved the physics courses so much already. I must be getting old...
  8. Omium

    Post Your Pics!

    Hmmmmm, Yourrrrrr
  9. Omium


    Well, Theres 2 reasons for it. 1) VEN diagram $$$ 2) You guys will study "Complex statisitics" whereby values >100 or <0 are avaliable provided you put an "i" near them. eg) 115 i % of people passed the exam.. or -0.05 i % of people scored 105 i%. See it...
  10. Omium

    Dfee @ Unsw

    You might be my other account... I got UAI of 97.5 and i have a WAM around 75....... (and at one stage i wanted to do law )
  11. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    lol, Last semester just before the final. Someone posted a question and then at the end he wrote "may god help us with these questions". These idiots then started writing "THIS FORUM ISNT A PLACE FOR GOD," like wtf? Fucken idiots. I hate people like that. It was just an...
  12. Omium

    Extreme Anti-Abortion lobby prompts probe

    Interestingly Im dlg sjd hkl
  13. Omium

    I'm untalkative

    . But im pretty sure she isnt.
  14. Omium

    Large Hadron Collider - Death Threats

    Er your in your HSC year. No offence but I doubt you really know what your talking bout?
  15. Omium

    Large Hadron Collider - Death Threats

    OMG grfgklsdhcv'lksdhfl'chsd'lkcfhskldbhclk'sdncflskdbfsdf programming...
  16. Omium

    Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

  17. Omium


    Around 20 % of UNSW is lebanese 43% Irish 30% African American 22% British 42% Dutch 33% American And 2% Asian.* *Official UNSW statistics Office
  18. Omium

    Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

    Everybody's talking about the disadvantages of "opening" a black hole. What about the advantages? 1) Safe Nuclear Waste disposal 2) Garbage problems eradicated 3) France will be destroyed first. :(:) etc
  19. Omium


    I clocked the exact time it took for the bus to travel from eddy avenue to UNSW. And then from UNSW to eddy avenue. From Eddy Avenue to UNSW : 12mins 53 sec From UNSW to Eddy Avenue: 10mins 06 sec Whats your time?