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  1. bored of sc

    3U CSSA Trial

    Wow. That's a relief.
  2. bored of sc

    3U CSSA Trial

    What kind of raw mark/percentage in this exam would align to 90% (i.e. if this were a HSC exam)? Obviously this estimation may not be accurate but just a ball-park figure.
  3. bored of sc

    3U CSSA Trial

    Loved questions 1, 2 and 6. Disliked parts of the rest and despised 7. If I can manage 70% I'll be glad. Hopefully minimal silly errors can get me through. I do agree with the people who said it was a relatively easy test. Most of it was straight forward. But under the pressures of a exam...
  4. bored of sc


    The paper was intense for me. Perhaps because I don't know the course well enough. Even the early questions threw me and set me up for a shocker of an exam.
  5. bored of sc

    Complex Numbers Question

    Thanks guys. I'm freaking out cause I did the 2007 CSSA Trial Q1 and it was actually quite hard. I need to nail most of Q's 1-4 to have a chance at 50% I reckon. Good luck to you guys too. When are your extension 2 exams?
  6. bored of sc

    Complex Numbers Question

    It's from the 2008 CSSA Trial. 2 (e) The points O, A, Z and C on the Argand diagram represent complex numbers 0, 1, z and z+1 respectively, where z = cos@ + isin@ is any complex number of modulus 1, with 0 < @ < pi. (i) Explain why OACZ is a rhombus. (ii) Show that (z-1)/(z+1) is purely...
  7. bored of sc

    cssa music 2 trial

    Indeed, I simply said synthesised pianos and technological effects. And there were strange technologically manipulated voices in there too.
  8. bored of sc


    Oh man I'm dumb.
  9. bored of sc

    CSSA Chemistry Trials

    *Prays for 50%*
  10. bored of sc

    cssa music 2 trial

    I did Music 1 Aural Trial. It wasn't too bad to be honest but I was thrown by a weird arty/technologically manipulated piece. Seems we both dislike questions on art music. Word Painting is when how the song is being sung (concepts of music) matches what is being sung about (lyrics). So if...
  11. bored of sc


    Section One was nice. But my argument didn't quite hold up that well. I misinterpreted the concept in the question and used like 1-2 quotes. Section Two was okay. But my intially air-tight structural plan turned upside down as each paragraph turned into a stream of consciousness of multiple...
  12. bored of sc


    Section One was okay. Like many of you, I buggered up the irony part. But other than that I was pleased. Then again, Section One is marked quite strictly and I always seem to misinterpret things and have problems with expression. Section Two was very fair. But I choose a stimulus which...
  13. bored of sc

    2009 Trial HSC Exams Discussion

    Depends on your school. Ours in 25% (paper 1 10%, paper 2 15%).
  14. bored of sc

    2009 Trial HSC Exams Discussion

    Best of luck y'all. Nervousness/anxiety is good if you can control it enough; it means these exams are important to you. :)
  15. bored of sc

    question about trials and raw marks

    So it must also be true that people who miss an exam due to illness, exceptional circumstances, family matters etc will get an estimate based on previous assessments?
  16. bored of sc

    I plan to do 'something with numbers' (unintended pun) or music. I would like 98.5 as my ATAR...

    I plan to do 'something with numbers' (unintended pun) or music. I would like 98.5 as my ATAR but realistically I think 90-95 would be nice. What about yourself?
  17. bored of sc

    how many free periods do you have?

    12 --> but including extension 2 lessons (if they are on the timetable) 8-9.
  18. bored of sc

    IMMENSELY confused about the exam question for Representation and Text

    You can do it whichever way you please I guess. That's the beauty of English. Both seem logical, choose whichever way feels the most comfortable. Personally I'm more of a concept person - I go for a line of argument/thesis and use the texts to support the ideas I present. I.e. text 1 uses...
  19. bored of sc


  20. bored of sc

    Trials are Week 3. Scared and underprepared. We'll see how I go. Good luck with your exams and...

    Trials are Week 3. Scared and underprepared. We'll see how I go. Good luck with your exams and the like. Would I be able to have a read of your Extension 2 English major?