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  1. scuba_steve2121

    We made a mistake with Rudd, didn't we?

    your not going to continue because u lost no rational person would support a policy that isn't going to work and in fact will do more harm then good. and don't ask why its not going to work or why its not good because those points have clearly been pointed out to u and i don't want to start...
  2. scuba_steve2121

    your current favourite song

    hyperspace - Nada Surf
  3. scuba_steve2121

    Boys, what do you look for in a girl?

    ah ah see what he did there
  4. scuba_steve2121

    Bishops to fight against secularist ethics

    you do have a very good point. there some really nice people out there that believe in god or whatever because they just can't handle that there isn't something more. they need this whole god thing as one big comforter of their life because otherwise life isn't worth living to them. these...
  5. scuba_steve2121

    Bishops to fight against secularist ethics

    oh yea forgot about them but i still don't think u need a class to tell u you can't call someone a dickhead, punch somebody in the face or rape someone just sayin
  6. scuba_steve2121

    Bishops to fight against secularist ethics

    tbh i thinks its sad that the government thinks we need ethics or welfare classes. past generations have done just fine without them?
  7. scuba_steve2121

    We made a mistake with Rudd, didn't we?

    whats the point of censorship of this manor when its not going to affect the distribution of child porn. plus a kid is still gonna see a pair of tits regardless of internet censorship.
  8. scuba_steve2121

    We made a mistake with Rudd, didn't we?

    bing bing bing we have a winner it seems labour boy refuses to soak up that key piece of information
  9. scuba_steve2121

    religious threads

    why respect a god that doesn't exist ya dipshit
  10. scuba_steve2121

    religious threads

    well u learn something new everyday :)
  11. scuba_steve2121

    religious threads

    oh..... i thought this was common knowledge?
  12. scuba_steve2121

    religious threads

    well derr doesn't that go for everyone who believes in a religion. i believe in X thus Y and Z are wrong?
  13. scuba_steve2121

    religious threads

    i love you too SnowFox
  14. scuba_steve2121

    We made a mistake with Rudd, didn't we?

    I'm an anarcho-capitalist, owned.:guitar:
  15. scuba_steve2121

    religious threads

    MISSION CONTROL: we got a bible nut repeat we got a bible nut. prepare to fire religion killing Missile. MISSION CONTROL: Missile armed.....ready.....FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MISSION CONTROL: mission failed he put his ignorance and stupidity field, man i hate that thing
  16. scuba_steve2121

    We made a mistake with Rudd, didn't we?

    to bad for u blastus is far from conservative as u can get :hammer:
  17. scuba_steve2121

    religious threads

    aww i already repped u
  18. scuba_steve2121

    religious threads

    BING BING BING we have a winner, and what makes these priests sexually frustrated?
  19. scuba_steve2121

    religious threads

    gone, arguement destroyed
  20. scuba_steve2121

    religious threads

    no u wouldn't, you would just say that they weren't 'true' Christians/Catholics and didn't follow god properly thus abstaining you from them