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    Alice Pung? Read that one... can't remember the title properly though either :)
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    do you wear glasses + how much do you study for?

    It is, it is... but I'd find a way to screw up contacts if I had them. Hence why my parents don't get me them. I'm short sighted, and my glasses are stylish and purple however I don't usually see the glasses as they are hidden under something or other in my room which therefore makes them...
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    Is this the Unforgiving/Unforgettable Gem one? Who's it by?
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    Should I pick Textiles and Design?

    In my Textiles class this year, most of the kids who picked it did do it in 9 and 10 but a considerable amount just started for the senior years. It doesn't really matter if you've just started in year 11 and 12 - the teachers have to go over everything again anyway so you won't be behind.
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    Feelings towards year 12

    I actually can't wait... although the part of heading back to kindy does sound appealing when HSC is mentioned (fingerpainting, yay!). I'm more excited about dropping the subjects I chose in a moment of a) attempting to spite someone; and b) feeling slightly not there. Anyway, also I'm looking...
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    See what song was #1 on the day you were born

    Stay - Shakespear's Sister (UK) Save the Best To Last - Vanessa Williams (US) Saltwater - Julian Lennon (AUS)
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    I liked Animal Farm a lot... was very good, enjoyed it more than 1984.
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    Love em!!!
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    Disagreeing with you Matt. Music is SO needed. Me? I listen to: Coldplay Fall Out Boy The Wombats Bloc Party The Panics Random Spanish music that I can't understand.
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    choosing subjects for Year 11

    I've done French for 3 years in school, and while I can read and understand Spanish vaguely I can't say much of it. So because of the three years of French it's made my Spanish screwy, I'm remembering French verbs and all instead.
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    choosing subjects for Year 11

    Me, since year 8... we had to do computer stuff in year 7 instead. So I've done 3 years French, and this year, Spanish... although I'm thinking of changing and just continuing with French.
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    Everyone in my class was all, "Ooh Tybalt, he's such a tool, Mercutio's awesome..." But how can you NOT love a guy who's sole goal in life is to maim anyone with a certain surname? He's crazy! And all done in Shakespeare speech.
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    choosing subjects for Year 11

    I know the necessities. Such as how to effectively swear at someone who nearly runs you over on the street :D. My family DOES speak Spanish, but I wasn't taught it when I was little like my cousins and whatnot. I know French a lot better, which made Spanish a little difficult (remembering...
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    Taming of The Shrew made me like Shakespeare. I hated Macbeth though, until we watched the BBC Shakespeare Retold version, and then I realised that Lady Macbeth despite being a psycho was awesome... and Romeo and Juliet? Classic. Loved Tybalt.
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    choosing subjects for Year 11

    Although SOR is really easy marks. You can sleep through the lessons and still pass. I missed 8 weeks of school and still managed to come 4th in the year for our exams.
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    How do you write/type notes?

    Agree with both of those, primarily the highlighter comment. :cool:
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    HELP! Legal Studies Question

    Indeed! Wow, I remember stuff!
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    choosing subjects for Year 11

    Distance Ed though isn't as hard as it seems, I'm doing Spanish via Distance Ed (and all my subjects next year). What does suck is when you've got 3 subjects that you really want to do... and then they all are on the same line. Then you pick one, and it truly does suck. What's awesome is when...
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    How do you write/type notes?

    Yeah, I agree with that. Highlighting adds to how well I remember stuff. And mind maps CAN die. Mine are always too complicated to understand and end up looking more like a mini-explosion occurred on my page instead of the mind map that's all neat in other people's books.
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    How do you write/type notes?

    I go extremes, from 1 word answers to full sentences to all-out short answers. Depending on what I feel I need for that question, that's what I do. Sometimes it is easier for me to go with just 1 word so I can remember and link, but it can flow better in my head if I remember it as a sentence...