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  1. Omium

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    lol, pathetic reply from a guy who just got owned. Lets let people make up their minds according to what theyve read in this thread. Im not going to continue to argue with a brick wall.
  2. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

  3. Omium

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    So its alright to imprison 1000 Civilians without trial? i seriously lol'd 11 FUCKEN YEARS. 11 FUCKN YEARS YOU MORON. 11 Years or 20 Years, Same Fucking thing, How would you like it if you were imprisoned for 11 years. SO YOU SUPPORT THIS ACT? YOU ARENT TRYING TO DISPROVE ME YOUR SIMPLY...
  4. Omium

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    Basically every topic along the line touches onto Israel v Palestine. and since we have heard every argument imaginable its no longer considered "newsworthy" :)
  5. Omium

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    I usually dont waste my time reasoning with imbeciles like you but this case is different. Your parents must have done a really good job at their "brainwashing camp" for kids. Do you think its right to imprison 2000 people without trial? Huh? DO YOU? DO YOU? Huh? If your family was...
  6. Omium

    Bin Laden: Response is What you See, Not What You Hear

    i lol'd at your stupidity, This is is stupid thread, it was dead before you talked. Leave it be plz
  7. Omium

    Rudd v Binge Drinking

    Re: Moral crusaders strike again No.
  8. Omium

    ENGG1000 Projects !!

    lol yer im stuck with 2 internationals as well. You might be in my group?? Im in Group 3. lol my group has a nice idea :)
  9. Omium

    Feminism and Political Correctness

    Girls dont like boys Girls like cars and Money !!!!!!!! Boys will laugh at girls When they're not Funnay!!!!!! (I dont know rest of the words :( )
  10. Omium

    Five men charged over Lindsay leaflet scandal

    Its cool when people use religion to divide an electorate
  11. Omium

    Supporting Children after Separation Program

    I dont support it. In my lifetime i have paid a total of $154 in Tax. My $154 is already paying for our Roads, Schools, Police and Politicians I dont want whats left of my tax dollars to go to this. NOTE: I didnt read article :)
  12. Omium

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    Thats why Israel is holding over 2000 Arabs without trial in its prisons. Which countries dont allow jews into their borders?
  13. Omium

    engineering at UNSW

    They offer every freakn engineering course on earth. P.S. Im pretty sure that you do civil then Major in Structural or something along the lines of that
  14. Omium

    help with ladies shaving

    Shave with a rock, it does wonders.
  15. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    lol wtf? where was that pic taken?
  16. Omium

    random questions

  17. Omium

    About to get the sack

    Why not go for a Max Potion? P.S. I found a max revive in a tree the other day :)