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  1. Omium

    Is it still possible to swap courses?

    Talk to the appropriate School, it shouldnt be too late but i reckon you should stick it out. 2 weeks in a 12 week semester lost is quite a bit.
  2. Omium

    Falling asleep in lectures.

    Works for me, No reason why it cant work for you :)
  3. Omium

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    lol. Your Fucken hilarious, Israeli conspiracy theory, I lol'd, Your pathetic, Dig a hole and die , Is this the bullshit they feed you guys in your brainwashing camps where they tell you that "Jews are the ultimate and perfect race and no-one else deserves to exist" All the Jews ive met...
  4. Omium

    Falling asleep in lectures.

    Amphetamines + Pot + Crystal Meth = Awake in Lectures. (Manufacturers Note: some SLIGHT side effects have been reported however these are trivial)
  5. Omium

    maths question on discriminants and range

    Too much brackets :S
  6. Omium

    Studying alone or with others?

    In Theory Group study should work, However from my experience it doesnt :(
  7. Omium

    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Boycott of Olympics Nice
  8. Omium

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    Maniella, you forget that Israel is above the law [/SIZE]...
  9. Omium

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    The Kid was the leader of the Hamas Military Organisation........
  10. Omium

    The Beijing Olympics

    Re: Boycott of Olympics There is something rotten in the state of Denmark
  11. Omium

    Voting at 16

    i lol'd (Im serz) I would have actually voted for Rudd.
  12. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Youve FALLEN FOR THEIR TRICKS. THEYVE BRAINWASHED YOU with their BBQ's. The Revolution has begun :)
  13. Omium

    Faxing Services

    no idea. :)
  14. Omium

    Voting at 16

    I wanted to vote last year but i was only 17 :(
  15. Omium

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    They thought she was a tree
  16. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Lecturers who cant string 2 sentences of english together.
  17. Omium

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    "" I am simply showing the other side of the equation. Ok then let your family drink diseased polluted water till they get sick and die. "" yep You miss the part about killing children and women. Secondly i never justified anything about using casualties as human shields...
  18. Omium

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    PLO: "Israel killed 274 residents, including 50 children, 18 women, since the beginning of 2008"... Gaza Holocaust