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  1. Omium

    Attacker bites womans nose off.

    Sorry. no... (Simpsons?)
  2. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

  3. Omium

    Attacker bites womans nose off.

    someone finding chicky_pie funny? MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON US ALL.
  4. Omium

    Growing taller..

    i Am 6"6 im not joking i also weight 98kg I didnt drink much milk when i was young (i didnt eat breakfast much). Its genetic :)
  5. Omium


    lol, i literally read the notes for 10mins even though you were supposed to take 2 hours for it? and got 18.6. i lol'd at one of the questions. All 10 options were correct. I think it was 1) Copying from which source consituties plagarism a) The Internet b) Encyclopeda c) Newspaper d)...
  6. Omium

    Why the Japanese whaling "scientists" are batshit

    This is real science kiddies, not your Stupid BS chemistry crap where you mix 2 chemicals to cause bubbles :P :)
  7. Omium

    Media Article: School Leaving Age 18

    a) No-one cares what you think b) I dont need to imagine, im stuck with you. c) very Accurate description of yourself.
  8. Omium

    "I'll get my Lebanese mates to sort you out Dawn Fraser" - Cleaner

    oh lol, lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lollol lol lol lol lol lol lol lollol lol lol lol lol lol lol lollol lol lol lol lol lol lol lollol lol lol lol lol lol lol lollol lol lol lol lol lol lol lollol lol lol lol lol lol lol lollol lol lol lol lol lol lol lollol lol...
  9. Omium

    is it just me or is phys1121...

    hmmm, you would think that the course- coordinators would realise that EVERY SINGLE concept is NEW to us and actually go SLOW for a bit. Also common sense would tell them to put more than 1 tutorial a week...
  10. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Its actually been a relatively popular thread. so stfu
  11. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    lol i love it how the lecturers make fun of the people that leave like 10mins into the lecture :). Though doesnt it lower the lecturers confidence in their teaching ability that students are leaving the lectures ?
  12. Omium

    is it just me or is phys1121...

    Man, this subject is way too hard, like FFS, Im struggling so bad in this. The dude rushes so fast and every concept is new, He just keeps moving and moving. In the maths subject the guy moves equally as fast but i actually know that if i work hard i will go really well. But for physics... OMG!
  13. Omium

    PHYS1121 - Quiz 0 login problems

    I did the quiz a few days back, everything was fine. Edit: EVERYTHING ON THE PHYSICS WEBSITE DOESNT WORK, I cant access course outline and other resources, i cant even acess the discussion boards.
  14. Omium

    Where do you stand?

    Im a Communist
  15. Omium

    "I'll get my Lebanese mates to sort you out Dawn Fraser" - Cleaner

    Im not supporting the guy but you have to look at both sides of his story. (NOTE: He is just stupid for threatening and swearing at an old lady) This could be one of those. Boy A hits Boy B, Boy B then hits Boy A, Teacher sees Boy B hit Boy A, Boy B gets expelled.
  16. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    meh, they all seem the same to me. Everyone (asians inlcluded) ive met has been very very kind. FOBS? Havent seen a single one :S (I think)
  17. Omium

    strange thing i discovered

    Aim low so youll always be pleasantly suprised when you get a good mark :)