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  1. Omium

    What will be the impromptut design activity?

    My teams assignment was so cool. The guy marked really harshly, he realised i was making crap up as i explained it to him. (lol) Extract from what i said to him "Our water delivery system has been ergonomically designed incorporating the various principles of Engineering, The Balloons...
  2. Omium

    For Sale: Fake Ferrari

    I read about this a while ago, Pretty kewl
  3. Omium

    "I'll get my Lebanese mates to sort you out Dawn Fraser" - Cleaner

    The Macquarie dictionary defines "blind" as 1.unable to see; lacking the sense of sight; sightless 2.unwilling or unable to perceive or understand You are clearly blind, READ WHAT I SAID. READ WHAT I SAID. READ WHAT I SAID. READ WHAT I SAID. READ WHAT I SAID. READ WHAT I...
  4. Omium

    I want free newspapers

    pfft UWS'ers wanting free newspapers; My stereotype of you people has been confirmed :)
  5. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    UNSW needs more lebs. See how boring leb-free society is?
  6. Omium

    "I'll get my Lebanese mates to sort you out Dawn Fraser" - Cleaner

    Get fucked, fuckhead mother fucker. Racist Aussies + Ignorant Gangsta Wannabee Lebs with IQ of 5 = Cronulla In General Aussie + Leb + Other Cultures = Happy Family. Go dig a hole and die.
  7. Omium

    British plan to copy Australia Day

    Pointless thread. Aryan = chick_pie
  8. Omium

    Down syndrome girl has cosmetic surgery

    boris wins this thread
  9. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Obviously youve never been UWS :)
  10. Omium

    Rules for Customers

    There is something rotten in the state of denmark
  11. Omium

    Down syndrome girl has cosmetic surgery

    There is something rotten in the state of Denmark
  12. Omium

    Rudd Government's quest for true blue Muslims

    Ill be more than willing to test that theory on you.
  13. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Oh, and the GLARE of the sun reflecting against the floor which gets into your eyes at around 4-5pm when your walking out of the uni..
  14. Omium

    List of sins updated

    Haha... no........
  15. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Ill go first 1) Its too freakn huge for its own good 2) Too much stairs, An escalator would do a lot of good 3) All useful places are on the edge of campus which means it takes 25 mins to get there
  16. Omium

    timetable on myunsw...

    Sometimes there are lectures only in first week then tutorials in second week then it evens out. Week 3 is a week break i think
  17. Omium

    Adding a BSc

    kewl another chem eng dude :) Were you at the orientation day?