Search results

  1. Omium

    Coaching rates?

    LOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 90 in SC er That really means nothing.. School ceritifctae for maths doesnt reward smart students. It rewards students who think like wierdos and have a twisted mind. The Questions are there solely to trick you.
  2. Omium

    Found a possible bug in the system

    You got too much time on your hands
  3. Omium

    Biomed = Mechanical plus?

  4. Omium

    Biomed = Mechanical plus?

  5. Omium

    Simpsons Quotes thread

    You fail, go Die
  6. Omium

    Simpsons Quotes thread

    Future Lisa gets thrown into prison Judge: I sentence you to 20 years on monster island Prisoner: Dont worry its only a name (Monsters Chasing After Lisa) Lisa: You said it was only a name Prisoner: What i meant is that monster island is actually a peninsula
  7. Omium

    Uts Vs Syd Vs Nsw Software Eng

  8. Omium

    UNSW O-Week

    LOL, i love the knife :)
  9. Omium

    Engineering-Which one?? Which Field??

    Nil :P
  10. Omium

    Engineering-Which one?? Which Field??

    His bro does Eng/comm @UNSW wrxsti does eng at UTS
  11. Omium

    Buying some equipment and asking for advice about training

    I recommend Steroids or HGH
  12. Omium

    Advice please! Graduate this year?

    BA means you can become a good artist
  13. Omium

    Psychologist career

    Toss a coin :) Let a coin toss decide your future
  14. Omium

    overloading final year

    What exactly do you do in your thesis for your final year?
  15. Omium

    Interest Rate Rise

    I refer you to an earlier post.
  16. Omium

    U.S introduce National ID card this May

    We need to plant computer chips in people when they are born.