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  1. Omium

    SSIS ENGG1000 cancelled. HELP!

    Er? I thought we picked what we wanted to do in ENG1000 in the first week? or do we chooose it now?
  2. Omium

    Need Urgent Enrolment Help! Am I Screwed?

    lol, i was in the same position as you were. :) although i did my timetable a month ago. Firstly. Open up the link to your timetable (The one with blue boxes showing the time occupied) and on a second page open up the times of the classes you wana pick. I prevented clashes by looking at...
  3. Omium

    Bout ready to go crazy(death to essays)

    My story: I DID 1 ESSAY DURING YEAR 12 FOR ENGLISH ADVANCED. 1, ill repeat that again. I then went into my HSC with pre-memorised essays that i didnt practice much. Final mark : 84/100 Meh, Just pray and hope for the best
  4. Omium

    Essay swapping

    lulz qft
  5. Omium

    How Seriously...

    Nah personally I found the pre 1990 Papers VERY EASY, The Final questions were very straight forward. From 2000-2006 There are very good final questions. Edit: PRAY TO GOD YOU DONT GET A 3unit HSC LIKE 2006 !
  6. Omium

    anyone else think this is unfair?

    Yea man, Theres a government conspiracy against you, The RTA was formed back in 1955 for the sole purpose that in Februrary 2008 they would fail a 17 year old kid with a nickname of "trento654".
  7. Omium


    Makes you think dont it..
  8. Omium

    Chemical Properties of rubies seek and you shall find :) Composition: Al2O3.Cr Aluminium oxide with Chromium
  9. Omium

    balancing equations...dont understand

    Way to revive a 3 year old thread :). Ionic Equations just involve breaking up the reaction into its ions. Give me some examples and ill explain em to ya.
  10. Omium

    Will 30% of the HSC Chemistry exam be preliminary questions?

    Nothing in the Preliminary course is Directly in the HSC. You obviously need to know the basics of chemistry (Writing Chemical equations.. etc)
  11. Omium

    2007 HSC Rankings - EVERY SCHOOL LISTED.

    lol, I just realised if i didnt go to my school, my schools rank wouldve dropped to dead last. (Im the only one who got 3 Band6's )
  12. Omium

    Israel - Bracing for impact

    Whatever floats your boat
  13. Omium

    One in four lie on CV - Have YOU ever lied??

    Your really gullable if you think No-one lies on their resume. If they dont lie. They wont have a job :)
  14. Omium

    UNSW O-Week Friday Night Gig: Grinspoon!

    $30 !!!!!!!! Weekly Wage: $0 Party Cost : $30 Account Balance : - $30 :(
  15. Omium

    OK im ready to upgrade!!

    lol..and why is that? dont want to start another religious war.
  16. Omium

    I wants a new monitor

  17. Omium

    I wants a new monitor

    ive got a samsung HD-TV for $699, its got all the AV/HDMI/PC outlets, perfect for gaming, plus the Tv has its own speakers. save up, and get a HD-TV..
  18. Omium

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    Which idiot revived this thread? Move all religious threads to non-school....
  19. Omium

    SAM problem

    If you do 2unit math and 3unit math 2unit becomes out of 100 as it is 2units your 3unit because it is one unit becomes out of 50. However if you do 4unit maths and 3unit maths. They EACH count as 2 units. so your 3unit math and 4unit math are both out of 100
  20. Omium

    Official Apology Thread

    Re: They're after our $$$ already! Agreed