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  1. Shadowdude

    How many clubs and societies are you in?

    I joined about six, active in about four of them - and on the Executive of two. Depends how much time you have, and what you want out of the society itself. Some societies are very inactive, others are quite active, and... yeah. Just join as many as you need to, I find most society stuff...
  2. Shadowdude

    UNSW O Week 2014 chat thread

    Join societies, talk to people, etc. I used to be basement Asian and then first year uni came along...
  3. Shadowdude

    Is 23 too old to be starting Uni?

    Not really. I made a few friends at uni which pertain to this thread, and age never came up - they're not super old, and then I found out like one is 22 and the other is like 23. No biggie, I don't care - and no one really should. You're all university students.
  4. Shadowdude


  5. Shadowdude

    UWS to UNSW Computer Science Transfer

    Go to UNSW because it's easier to internally transfer, also you can start doing computing subjects from Day 1 and no one will bat an eyelid. Of course it'll mean you'll have to delay one or more Media/Arts course but... that's something you can probably chat about with the friendly folks at the...
  6. Shadowdude

    Going away for the week in April??

    Yeah, that's like Mid Year Break time.
  7. Shadowdude

    The Wolf of Wall Street

    exactly and i find that racist
  8. Shadowdude

    The Wolf of Wall Street

    obviously fans of black comedy here doesn't surprise me
  9. Shadowdude

    UNSW O Week 2014 chat thread

    Go every day. Especially Thursday, because that's when the part-ay is on.
  10. Shadowdude

    First Year Arts Courses - difficulty UNDERRATED?

    I did ARTS1030. Depends how well you can analyse texts (or feign deep and contextual analysis), and how much you like reading the books themselves (or just reading the Sparknotes or whatever and trying to get some good points to write about for your essays). Also course structure changes...
  11. Shadowdude

    Transferring from USYD to UNSW Engineering

    Depends what subjects you can gain credit for.
  12. Shadowdude

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    It's not just about days off, it's about other things too - like if you want all your classes to finish before like 4pm or something, or if you want to start later on Tuesday because you have a thing on in the morning every week, or if you'd prefer to keep uni on say Friday to a minimum because...
  13. Shadowdude

    Post Your 2014 Sem1 Timetable

    Well keep trying because you can put in at most an hour of work now and save yourself a potential thirteen weeks of pain. It's simple: You start with the lectures. And then you load up all the possible tute times, you use this website: , and then you pick the...
  14. Shadowdude

    Last movie you watched? And what you thought of it?

    Just focus on the Treblemakers then.
  15. Shadowdude

    Timetable question

    It doesn't matter because the Week n tutorial revises the Week n-1 lectures. All of them. And if your lecture is on Monday, and then your tute is on Wednesday - then it just means you'll learn new stuff on Monday before you get to revise the stuff you did the Monday before on the Wednesday.
  16. Shadowdude

    HELP Actuarial/ Economics enrolment

    Alberto Motta is so good he has a Facebook appreciation page
  17. Shadowdude

    Can I take a holiday during enrolment??

    For UNSW, you can do everything online.
  18. Shadowdude

    What are you currently Reading?

    The language style as well, along with the digressions make you not really sure about what's going on usually. Thankfully I have the Norton edition which has a "table of contents" which summarises the chapter, basically. Usually confirms my suspicions on what the chapter is about, but better...