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  1. Shadowdude

    Saw a girl at a family gathering...

    Did you people even read the post... or did you skim? Because I'm going to pick out two instances where my developing sympathy for you was dashed. And why was I developing sympathy? Because I was reading, and thinking: "Holy crap, this is like one of my stories! Ish. Because I don't hit on girls...
  2. Shadowdude

    do most units at unsw have online lectures?

    Alternatively, you go to the lecture anyway and use the rest of the day to study, catch up with friends or use consultation times for other subjects. Remember, uni is not just about the classes you go to.
  3. Shadowdude

    Courses Help!!!!

    Consulting? Probably Commerce - though I know of a maths honours student who is being heavily chased by one consulting firm. I'm not exactly sure what consulting entails, but I'm guessing his quantitative knowledge gives him a leg up.
  4. Shadowdude

    Transferring from USYD to UNSW Engineering

    Probably, you just have to maximise your marks and go through an external transfer process. Contact UNSW if you have any further queries.
  5. Shadowdude


    Engineering includes at least two years of maths subjects, and at least four maths subjects. It's certainly not just MATH1131. UNSW Law is tough to get into, and they go by academic merit - so just go to the degree program which'll maximise your marks, I suppose.
  6. Shadowdude

    UNSW ID cards (2014 students)

    It is, but the FM Assist where you get your cards probably won't be open.
  7. Shadowdude

    Serious advice needed :)

    Easy for us, maybe. I'm sitting on an HD average for my Arts subjects, but I know others who are scraping passes only - and they try too. So... to the OP, if you can back yourself and think you have a shot at a credit average, then go for it. Moreover, I'm sure this is the same at USyd as it...
  8. Shadowdude

    Serious advice needed :)

    True, you can do that - but that's no guarantee. So the trade-off that the OP must face is: 1. Stay at USyd and do well enough to get a transfer into Arts (Media & Comm.), or 2. Take an offer for UNSW Media & Comm and be there straight from the get-go You never know how well exactly a person...
  9. Shadowdude

    Serious advice needed :)

    But they're not similar. You can't major in media in the USyd standard Arts degree: , from my understanding.
  10. Shadowdude

    Serious advice needed :)

    hahaha funny joke you're kidding, right? Because anyone who foregoes the course they really want to do, just for the sake of scenery (and provided it's not like UWS or something), is someone who fails to understand what university is actually about, or someone who probably needs to get...
  11. Shadowdude

    Advice for timetable :(

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that most labs don't go for all three hours anyway - and so you should be able to duck out a few minutes early. If not, just chat with the lab assistant or whatever and say you have a next class at Law and you need to leave early. If you gain a rapport with...
  12. Shadowdude

    Never been in a relationship?

    oh snap
  13. Shadowdude

    UNSW ID cards (2014 students)

    yep sounds about right on how all ID photos are
  14. Shadowdude

    First Year Actuarial Studies Roll Call

    ASoc BBQs are awesome. They are Shadowdude Approved.
  15. Shadowdude

    UNSW Accommodation Please Help!!!!

    Well, one of my friends who is there is quite quiet, another is a real party girl so... it depends - it's uni, it's what you make of it. I'm sure that applies to the village life as well. Also I know there's a massive cleaning spree that goes on near the end of semester before inspections and...
  16. Shadowdude

    O week - Faculty Welcome

    I think they include the lunch afterwards, or food or whatever it is. I highly doubt it's a 4 hour lecture.
  17. Shadowdude

    UNSW Accommodation Please Help!!!!

    Depends where you end up. I have one friend who lives there and his room is very quiet, I had another friend end up in a room where she couldn't do any study because her room-mates are all about part-ay-ing, and I know of a few others whose actions even out over time (i.e. some days are PARTAY...
  18. Shadowdude

    do most units at unsw have online lectures?

    Yes, but they're poor recordings really and you may end up hearing static or almost nothing at all - so it's best to go to the lectures if you can.
  19. Shadowdude

    Getting to UNSW

    891 goes from Stand D, it's the bus like 99% of people catch. 895 is the return service. 391, 393 and 395 are suburban bus services that go to the Anzac Parade entrance.