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  1. C

    Greenpeace rocks

    It's not in human nature to be totally altruistic all the time, it will never happen. Instead the only way to make things better for all people is to allow everyone to pursue their own happiness, and we all benefit that way. The overlap between "those who campaign against human rights abuse...
  2. C

    take action in protecting environment or else

    "We’ll all be rooned," said Hanrahan In accents most forlorn Outside the church ere Mass began One frosty Sunday morn. The congregation stood about, Coat-collars to the ears, And talked of stock and crops and drought As it had done for years. "It’s lookin’ crook," said Daniel Croke...
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    Greenpeace rocks

    The only way for humanity to progress is to allow everyone to pursue their own selfish needs (that IS how modern society evolved). Greenpeace and enviro-freaks would deny brown people the ability to do this in the name of saving the environment :D
  4. C

    Greenpeace rocks

    well put sir they care a lot for the environment, not so much for humans :D
  5. C

    Greenpeace rocks

    So you'd have us return to the filth and terror of pre-industrial living standards? :D
  6. C

    How datable is a guy who is...

    he'll only attract gold diggers :D
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    EDUC 1003 and EDUC 1005

    They probably just update it when the lecturers write more articles :rolleyes:
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    Greenpeace rocks

    it's really katie bin youseff abdul al quaedi
  9. C

    Greenpeace rocks

    So what've greenpeace achieved lately? :D
  10. C

    More tax money to religious schools,23599,23034940-421,00.html ffs
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    The most you'd ever spend on a pair of jeans

    $10 from kmart :cool:
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    Garrett considers banning plastic bags

    Kevin Rudd doesn't care about Australian working families who are already feeling the squeeze of the growing cost of living and have enough trouble balancing their budgets without a new levy on what should be their right to plastic bags.
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    Why did you break up with your last ex?

    surely now you must believe in mohammed?
  14. C

    Racists plan secret 'nazi-type riot'

    The Thread on this Article at Stormfront (Warning: links to Stormfront) If you don't want to view it here's a choice quote: :D
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    Garrett considers banning plastic bags

    Truth. I'd like this to be implemented just to see extremely poor bogan customers at work go insane at me when I can't put their stuff in a free plastic bag anymore :D
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    EDUC 1003 and EDUC 1005

    I'd upload the lectures but it won't let me do ppt files there are course readers that come out at the bookshop in the first week so just buy those and read the first 2 weeks readings, that'll do, the first lecture in both courses is meaningless anyway, just read the course outlines and they'll...
  17. C

    Racists plan secret 'nazi-type riot'

    The amount of WN types in Newcastle is disturbing, Stormfront tells us they hold monthly BBQs, probably to whinge about all the Africans that now live here. This Rhys McLean cunt is a 19 year old who works for Belmont McDonalds (or did, can't tell) and organises for the Newcastle branch of...
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    Islam push for Australian-bred leaders

    Well the idea would be to still have schools, just not religious ones :D
  19. C

    Islam push for Australian-bred leaders

    who the fark are you? you're pretty dedicated, that much i'll give you also for about the 4th or 5th time on bos, Religious schools should be outlawed :D
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    Islam push for Australian-bred leaders

    Islam or Islam topics on BoS by trolls? :D