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  1. C

    Sexuality VS Reputation?

    I'm bi-curious-curious.
  2. C

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    Go back and read my previous post, you're not following what I meant The universe was created more or less as we see it now, 6000 years ago. So the layers of dirt and bones were created the way they are; there weren't any humans or dinosaurs together because the universe didn't exist at...
  3. C

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    Well it's completely internally consistent at least The world is 6000 years old, everything that we perceive to be older was created that way :D
  4. C

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    Every time you find a new transitionary form it just creates 2 new gaps that you don't have one for, making your theory all the more wrong only Allah could have created the world as it is
  5. C

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    I think only Islam provides an account of creation that makes sense.
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    10 Greatest Mathematicians of ALL Time

    Needs more Erdős and also Hilbert :D
  7. C

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    Evolution can be shown to be wrong, for example by finding a fossilized human alongside a dinosaur Creationism can't really :D
  8. C

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    Well the fossil record we do have is incomplete but is positive evidence towards evolution There isn't any at all for creationism :D
  9. C

    Who's going to this?

    They aren't really that good, they're mostly just decent quality (7/10) summaries.
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    Question to the guys going to Schoolies

    Quoted, with bold, for the truth.
  11. C

    Who's going to this?

    Because you need to pour the $$$ into your HSC to get every competitive advantage over the rest of the state, it's a cutthroat game this HSC Remember the extra mark in an exam you might get from doing this might mean 3 UAI places and the difference between a shameful, shameful 98.60 and a...
  12. C

    An article about... Huh? What?

    They get by okay, they just read the Daily Telegraph :D By the way if you live in a place with lots of poor people and bogans it probably won't shock you that much.
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    Rules for Customers

    Just quoting for how useful this would be in retail
  14. C

    Brendan Nelson new Opposition Leader

    Well I think he was brilliant as Education minister, he gave us VSU. Which I suppose is unfair on non-working families :rolleyes: That scare page has more Labor 07 campaign cliches than you can poke a stick at (without throwing a fair go out the back door)
  15. C

    This Year's Fashion Has Been Really Shit, Why Doesn't Anyone Else Agree?

    those grey things with the leggings annoy me for some reason get rid of them ok :D
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    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    Nick Why aren't you contesting the Liberal leadership? I think you'd make a great PM :D
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    No more Africans

    I'd support saving the whales, but they're just too tasty.
  18. C

    Highest payed gratuates vs. 10 years after ?

    Highest paid graduate and also highest paid 10 years after is B. Oil Tycoon
  19. C

    lol waf

    LDP? voted [1] for them in the senate, they won fark all :(