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  1. C

    Cover Song appreciation thread

    you can't really 'cover' a traditional song And if you're going to you should do it properly :cool:
  2. C

    Brendan Nelson new Opposition Leader

    Do we have to have a bos account for every MP and senator?
  3. C

    A gang rape of a 10 year old or gang bang with a consenting 10 year old?

    that's a very prima facie reaction you shouldn't have opinions on legal matters because it leads to you engaging in fantasies and being easily manipulated by the murdochitler leave these things to the legal experts
  4. C

    Internet dumbs us down: Nobel prize winner

    a dying breed lamenting their loss of power and exclusivity internet ftw :D
  5. C

    Exam Results for Semester no. 2

    Lucky that didn't happen :D EDUC1004....Contexts of Teaching 1...........HD....98 EDUC1006....Professional Preparation 1B......HD....93 MATH2320....Linear Algebra...................HD....87 MATH2600....Mathematical Software.............D....82
  6. C

    Exam Results for Semester no. 2

    I reckon I'm gonna fail a subject because I submitted a 60% project by email and didn't bother checking with the lecturer if he got it or not so it probably didn't work :rolleyes:
  7. C

    Mathematics Typesetting

    Yeah they're PDFs
  8. C

    Mathematics Typesetting

    I have a uni course worth of notes on how to type TeX code if anyone wants :|
  9. C

    bfs and sex

    Re: 回复: bfs and sex He probably made a passing mention of sex in a conversation, and she immediately consulted Dolly to find out what that meant :D
  10. C

    bfs and sex

    You don't need to tell us that about your boyfriend :D
  11. C

    10 most elegant mathematics formulas :D Oh and I noticed someone suggested cos squared + sin squared = 1, well that's just a special case of Pythagoras' theorem in the unit circle.
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    Boyfriends And The HSC

    just to make it abundantly clear if you can't manage to have time for a boyfriend during year 11 you probably won't be able to manage life at all after year 11 :D
  13. C

    No more Africans

    So we have to be neutral about everything because otherwise people might have different opinions to us? :D
  14. C

    Big W group interview

    I think they're wonderful they could be purple with pink spots and they'd still be better than the current one due to having no ties :D
  15. C

    Boyfriends And The HSC

    He's probably cheating on you anyway :D
  16. C

    10 most elegant mathematics formulas

    Seriously though, Pythagoras' Theorem is pretty cool when you think about how much you use it all over the place. Plus I wanted to give algebra some love after all the calculus above. Pythagoras didn't state it this way though :D
  17. C

    10 most elegant mathematics formulas

    n2 + 9 + 9 It's known as "cDonald's Theorem" and when plotted on a graph models a uniformly curved line that somehow joins up with itself. This is a figure which science has yet to come up with a name for. Can you think of one? If you can, the Royal Mathematics Society would like to hear from...
  18. C

    Help, im pregnant and 15.

    because it's not real :D
  19. C

    Sheikh's letter to dead Digger's dad

    Is there any evidence it's from a real Sheikh?