Search results

  1. C

    $1bn 'not sorry enough' - Aboriginal leaders

    near perfect echo of the televangelists isn't it?
  2. C

    $1bn 'not sorry enough' - Aboriginal leaders

    Looks like the Aboriginal industry is gearing up to cash in on Australia's booming economy now that the Labor party are in charge and ready to waste money. Give them 10 billion and say "do what you like with it but if you fail you can fuck off"
  3. C

    Rudd takes axe to Work Choices

    john howard exploited the white worriers' nationalistic fantasy about living in a world with no unions! EDIT: ...cession :D
  4. C

    Are you a maths or english person?

    these categories are an excuse to make less effort in whichever subject you've made less effort in in the past :D
  5. C

    Rudd takes axe to Work Choices

    The workchoices laws were Extreme. The Labor party said so, and I believe them.
  6. C

    Hi, quick question
  7. C

    Hi, quick question

    Or, in short, The mods will delete whatever posts they feel like :D
  8. C

    Hi, quick question

    PLEASE READ BOTH THE FORUM RULES AND THE WEBSITE DISCLAIMER BEFORE PROCEEDING. Forum Rules and Conditions Registration to this forum is free! However, as consideration for your membership, we must insist that you abide by the rules and conditions detailed below. If you agree to the terms...
  9. C

    Privatisation of power

    Well one might consider government investment in infrastructure a bad thing :D
  10. C

    Rules for Customers

    Today *me tries to pick up a box with a steel kids climby thingy in it* (unassembled so the box was really small) *me nearly drops it trying to pick it up because it's like 70kg* then this stupid whore i hadn't said anything to was like "RARRRR YOU NEED A TROLLEY FOR THAT IT'S AN OH&S ISSUE"...
  11. C

    Women banned from wearing boots

    when faced with unpleasant facts, luckily there's always the "everything in the media is false and therefore the opposite to what they say is true" line :D
  12. C

    Religious affiliation

    the more you seek the more you find out that life is meaningless :D
  13. C

    sex position

    a goat? :D
  14. C

    A gang rape of a 10 year old or gang bang with a consenting 10 year old?

    shut up you whiney little cunt get back to issuing speeding tickets :D
  15. C

    Islamic school closure is 'good lesson'

    All religious schools should be universally banned All schools should have texts critical of the existence of God and the supernatural as mandatory reading in several grades starting early on Anyone who wants to be religious after that should be free to do so without ridicule or persecution...
  16. C

    Intriguing Question For The Ladies

    Wow, our very own negro here on BoS :D
  17. C

    A gang rape of a 10 year old or gang bang with a consenting 10 year old?

    I meant she is the patriarchy, not she oppresses the patriarchy :D
  18. C

    No more Africans

    So if you have an opinion on anything you'll also engage in fantasies about a world where that opinion is reality? :D