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  1. C

    Kevin Rudd doesn't care about whales THE anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd has condemned the Federal Government's decision to keep the location of the Japanese whaling fleet secret. The move was a betrayal that would withhold...
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    40 thrown out of cricket match for unruly conduct

    lol there was a pitch invader in that match and the channel noin cameras turned away from it :o
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    Does it cost monet to defer?

    it costs him nothing, and if he were still alive he'd be worth millions anyway :D
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    Rudd Government to censor internet

    bit above his level that is
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    hai guyz do u think we should tattoo DFEE on fee payin students foreheads?

    Being rich enough to afford DFEE is as much as a coincidence for someone as being born somewhere where they'd be able to get a good education in the first place life isn't fair :D
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    40 thrown out of cricket match for unruly conduct

    i know this because the australian media with vested interests in cricket and the eggball codes tell me so btw the article i posted is nothing special because roughly that many get chucked out of every cricket match :D
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    Rudd Government to censor internet

    Don't pretend one bunch of squeamish old men are much different to another :D
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    Rudd Government to censor internet

    That's good to hear. Is it rly that hard to make all ISPs block a set of addresses though? :D
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    Rudd Government to censor internet

    On a more serious note, I suggest we flood government email addresses with hardcore pornography if this goes ahead.
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    Rudd Government to censor internet

    The government is in the pay of porn magazine cartels Once the internet is censored, Murdoch (the guy with the real power in Aus) will introduce his new flagship publication "The Daily Pornograph" which will sell billions to porn deprived individuals, further increasing his grip over...
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    How can I improve my marks to get UAI 98.65?

    it's easy, you simply need to get slightly better marks than whoever gets 98.60 :D
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    Hillsong Church?

    You're being racist against hillsong :mad:
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    Why did you break up with your last ex?

    and didn't join in? :D
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    40 thrown out of cricket match for unruly conduct,23599,22972897-1243,00.html?from=public_rss This is clearly because cricket is a boring (goes all day and could be a draw) foreign sport that should be kept out of the Australian sporting psyche. It breeds hooliganism and violent behaviour.
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    What did you have for breakfast today?

    cake chocolates xmas is awesome
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    Guys hugging eachother

    i'd hit it :D
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    Guys hugging eachother

    a bit like you posting in a love and relationships forum then :D
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    George Pell's Christmas Message

    who's the dogmatic one then? :D
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    Islamic school closure is 'good lesson'

    get them by the time they're seven...